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grayson showed up to my house today.

i felt really happy to see him since it's been so long that we have talked.

my dog was spinning in circles of excitement like she always has when you or grayson come over.

he told me that you've been getting my letters. even reading them which surprised me because i honestly thought that you would throw them out.

i asked him if he knew why you left me, and what made you just change your mind.

he said you won't talk to him much. that all you do is small talk.

ethan, i love you.

i know you know that, but none of this makes sense.

you broke up with me two months ago then a week ago got back together with your ex?

she didn't make you happy the first time, what would be different now?
the nonexistent love? the sex?

i just want to know that you're okay.

your past love

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