chapter 6

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Jess' P.O.V

I looked at him questioningly but he just looked around, as it might be seen. I smiled to myself and let it be. then he turned to me.

"Where are you from?" He asked curiously. Should I tell him?, I asked myself, I don't know. I ignored his question and ask him something.

"What about you? How old are you?"

He smiled because I ignored his question.

"I'm 23", he said.

Surprised I tore my eyes.

"Wow, I tought you were younger." We stopped walking.

"Yeah, a lot of people think that" His big smile on his face is so sweet!, I tought.

Then he said: "How old are you?"

"18", I said, looking forward to his reaction. But he continued to smile. Then he nodded some times.

"Okey, that would work", he said and shrugged his shoulder one time. I looked at him and smiled confused.

"What would work?" I ask him. We continued walking.

"Uhm, we two", he said shyly. I closed my eyes and smiled.

"Mark", I said loud. Fast he looked around. I looked at him confused.

The. I continued talking.

"I just met you"

I now, the chapters are short but it's difficult for me to write in English, I hope you understand that ❤️

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