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A few day's had passed and I had finally made my decision...I decided that I'm NOT gonna leave the WWE. I have a second family with these people, and family just doesn't abandon in each other when time's get rough. First off...Mike; Yeah, I hate the guy sometimes, but I honestly don't know what I would do without him. He's my best friend since forever. Yeah, he can be a cocky, arrogant guy sometimes, but at the end of the day...He's the sweetest guy you'll ever meet. Nick; Where do I even begin with this guy? We've had our ups and downs, but at the end of the day he's the best thing that's ever happened to me. He's the best. Curtis; I honestly..This guy will forever have a place in my heart. He's an absolute sweetheart. Yeah, we bump head's sometimes, but at the end of the much as we hate to admit it...We love each other. He recently just got out of the hospital and is in therapy working his way back into the WWE. I'm proud of him. Layla; ...I don't even know where to start. Yeah, we got off on the wrong foot in the beginning, but we got over it and now we're besties. Her and I are inseperable. We tell each other EVERYTHING.  Summer Rae; In the word's of Chris Jericho; Her and I will never....EEEEEVVVVVEEERRRRR be friend's..Again. Just won't happen, she rubbed me the wrong way, and messed with people I care about..So..It's just not gonna happen. My Parent's; They're actually thrilled that I decided to stay with the WWE. They actually recently bought a house in California so we can all be closer to each other. I don't know what I would do without them. They're the best support system I could ever ask for. Last but not least...Florida Georgia Line; These guy's have helped me so much these past few day's. They honestly give the best advice and pep talks in the world. Brian said to me; "When the going gets tough, just think about what got you to where you are today. You're stronger then you think you are. When the going gets tough...The tough keep going." Those words are what I think got me through the week, along with my friend's and family. I don't know what I would do without these amazing people in my life.

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