Chapter 5

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Making our way to the kitchen Danny seats me next to him on his right along side Killian, then Ronan. Then on his left was Natalie then Leo. We were sitting across from another. Now I had to see that ugly face all night.

Looking across I see her boney, scaley, almost reptile like claws touch Danny's arm. Whilst giving me a mean stare. I didn't do anything back, but I have been told I have an RBF anyways.

"Hey Danny, what's a Gold Digger?" I ask abruptly, smirking to the side.

All four of my Doofus brothers either spat the water out of their mouth, or in Ronan's case - choked to death.

" uhhh, why do you ask that Lyss?" He questioned.

"Well, I think I met one today." I fakely ponder.

"And who might that be?" Danny asked weirdly.

Quickly taking a quick glance at Natalia I reply.

"This girl named Nadalia, so what is it?" I innocently acted.

"Uhh" he replied. "Someone, who only dates someone for money." He responded while scratching the back of his neck.

"Ohh, I thought it was just a rude, stuck up, snobby B word." I simply replied.

"Alyssa," he warned. "You can't refer to the word either, but yes they are often those things as well, now can we change the conversation." He firmly Warned.

"Uhh, do you have any tomato sauce, to go with Yeah this." Natalia asked. God what is she 5? Who eats tomato sauce?

Though all of a sudden an idea came to mind.

"I can get it Danny." I hastily replied. "Yeah I think I saw it in the fridge"

"Thanks Baby, that would be lovely" he thanked.

Ohh brother. Did you really think I could ever be nice to a bitch like her?

I got the sauce from the fridge, quickly unscrewed the lid so it was loose.

Walking over to Natalia I breathed in. this is my moment. I let my feet buckle, my hands squeeze and my small body hit the floor.

A loud shriek came from the banchee above me. Looking up, it almost looked like she had a completely different out fit, as it was covered in red sauce. A little giggle passed underneath my lips.

"I sowwy, I didn't mean too, I'm really clumsy," I fake wailed.

Clenching her fake teeth, she gritted out a small acceptance.

"Ohh Nat, come up stairs, I'll get you some more clothes." Danny ushered.

After about 10 minutes they both came back down the stairs, this time with Natalie in an oversized white shirt and my brothers eyes googling at her.

I saw her smirk as she looked at me. Dam, looks like I have to up my game. Now, I wonder who can help me think of some great ideas to get back at this bish.


Running up the stairs I race into Leo's room and search through all his draws. Finally coming to it, his phone. Now this boy sometimes isn't as smart as he leads on and makes his password my birthday. 

*ring ring*

"Hey Ms Green," I greeted.

"Hey Alyssa, how are you baby," Lily's mum greeted.

"I'm great, I was wondering if I could possibly talk to Lily?" I questioned.

"Of courses hun, give me a second," she replied.

"Alyssa?" Lily's voice came through the speaker.

"Yeah, I need your help," I stated.

I told her everything. Who Natalie was, why she is here, her evil plans and how I need to take revenge. We came up with some pretty cheeky ideas if you ask me.

Placing Leo's phone back, I went to race around the house to collect a few things.

Running back down the stairs I race to the front door where all of our jackets are placed. I grabbed her ones and raced to the kitchen.

Looking around I noticed that everyone had moved on to the living room. Perfect. Plenty of time for me to prepare for my pranks.

I climbed up the shelves and grabbed the Squizzy bottle of honey. Perfect. I bring it down and laid Natalia's jumper out on the kitchen bench.

I got to work.

Squirting layers of honey all through the inside of her Louis Vuitton jacket. I smothered it everywhere, everywhere. Ohh the sweet life. Literally.

After my long honey jacket massaging session I  put her jacket right back on the jacket holder at the front door, a nice surprise for the morning.

Next is prank that will happen tonight.

Once  again I climbed the thin shelves which held the cupboard. The very top was what I needed. Oreos. Now I know I shouldn't do this because it's a waste of food. There's starving kids in Africa, yeah, yeah, that speech Danny always gives me. But this will be so funny.

Sprinting on my short little legs I ran to the bathroom and got our last dogs tooth paste, which is still in there for some reason even though Biscuit died like 2 years ago.

Anyways, bringing that back to the kitchen I grab a butter knife, because Danny hides all the sharp knives away from me. So unfortunately no literal back stabbing of the bitch tonight.

I open up the delicious Oreos, I lick off the delicious goodness on the inside, which is vegan by the way. So it's extremely healthy for me and I should be allowed to eat it more often. Then I replace the goodness with the off bacon flavoured tooth paste.

Next I poor a glass of milk, and add some slashes of one of the lemons in the fridge.

Getting out a plate, I put the special Oreos on it, grab the drink in the other hand and start to walk towards the living room.

Getting there I put on my biggest cheesiest, fakest smile.

I start to innocently walk up to Natalie.

"Uhh Natalie," I speak cute and softly while making the puppy eyes the Killian can't resist.

"I got you swum cookies and milk for, I had to get all the way to the top of the cupboard, but it's okay, it was worth it if you eat my biscuits," I try to as Cutely put it.

And apparently it work on my 4 idiot brothers because now they're all cooing at me.

She shakily put one cookie In her mouth and started to chew.

Suddenly, she started coughing and spitting it out. She keeps coughing and goes for some of the milk.

Just as she drinks the milk, she gags more and continues coughing.

My brother is dancing around trying to make sure she is okay.

"I'm fine," she rasps our.

"It just got stuck at the back of my throat," she lied.

My brothers calmed down, and before she continued to talk to my brothers she gave me a quick scowl as I was walking off.

This isn't over yet sweetheart, not by far.

Part 2 coming soon, sorry I've been really busy but, school holidays is next week so I should be posting more frequently ❤️❤️

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