Chapter 6

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As the night progressed I came up with a bit more devious pranks to play on my new bestie. The current one involved me grabbing her freshly washed tomato stained dress from the dryer and set to work. I mean if the dress is ruined anyways I may as well help her by cutting out the stains, and just maybe they were coincidently on the same spots as her boobs. Mean girl style. Another show Roro had been in trouble for showing me, not that he'll admit it, but it's his favourite. Now I know it backfired in the movie, but my house is full of boys, and I don't think they are going to start walking around with there boobies cut out too. 

Finally, what barely represents circles is cut out on her 'designer' pink dress. Designer my ass I saw it in Target last week. Now for the last trick of the night, I thought back to how much I love my Frankie Barbie Doll from Monster High, and how I love her green hair. Maybe Natalia would suit that. 

Running chubbly down the hall towards the bathroom I scower through the shelves under the sink, finding what I wanted. Green hair dye. Apparently Lian went through "an emo phase" and green dye was necessary. I knew the gap toothed bitch was staying over tonight so I snatched the bottle and raced over to Danny's bathroom.

I squirted a whole heap of it into his shampoo bottle. Don't worry I'm not a totally meaning it's on temporary. And I know what you're thinking. What if Danny washes his hair tonight. But Danny is a weirdo with like OCDC or something and he only washes his hair on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. And today was Sunday. So his hair wont turn green, by tomorrow his shampoo will be magically missing. 

Galloping down stairs I join my four brothers on the couch. Jumping next to Leo I snuggled up to his side as he began stroking my hair, and as tired as I was. I . Need. To. See. This. See how important that was, I put full-stops in between the words. 

AHh shit I fell asleep.

Waking up I look around Roro is passed out and Lian and Leo are watching some dumb show. But where is Danny and Natalia. 

All of a sudden the loudest scream filled the house. Roro jumped and fell from the couch, as the rest of my brothers and I snapped our heads upwards in the direction of the banshee. 

"ITS ME OR THAT MUTT" the Banshee screamed. 

All that could be heard were muffels of Daniels confusion. Loud Stomps came rushing down the stairs and a zombie appeared. The she was, the shemonster, hair bright green. Black Mascar running down her cheeks from her refreshing shower. If she wasn't using Danny I would feel sorry for her. Her hand shook as she pointed to me.

"YOU" she gritted out in utter frustration her skin turning red. "YOU DID THIS YOU LITTLE SHIT," she screamed. 

Sounds of my brothers protest surrounded me. 

"DANIEL YOU NEED TOO CHOOSE BETWEEN ME AND THAT THINGG," she breathed, right now she was more of a dragon then a monster. 

Daniels voice began to rise. "You're making me choose between you, and my child?" He asked with disgust. 

"That girl is holding you back from all your potential, she has been messing with me all night. Do you know how much more money you could of made this year if you had put that mutt up for adoption!" she seethed. 

"How dare you speak to me and my family like that, Alyssa is MY child, I have raised her since she was four years old, I could care less for the extra money I could of made if I had spent more time working, because I would of missed out on raising this beautiful child." he remained calm, with an undertone of rage. 

"You are not welcome in this house, or near me. Ever again." He seethed. 

She gathered her last shred of dignity and stormed off to the laundry where she putt on her newly styled dress, her white bra visible through the holes. This time a weird strained whine left her mouth as she began throwing her body around like a two year old having a tantrum. Grabbing all of her stuff she walks towards the door and finally snatches her jacket which she begins to pull on before she lets out another delightful shreek. Her head looks like its about to fly off and she starts to look like one of my cartoon characters with steam coming out of her ears. Slamming the front door shut, I shout in rejoice, it doesn't last long. 

Daniel clears his throat, as I turn around all 4 of my brothers are giving me a stern look. ahhh shit. Now Daniel looks like my cartoon character.

"Alyssa Rose DiVaio, how dare you act so horribly to guest, no matter how much you dislike them, that was my girlfriend, someone I wanted to introduce into our lives. Making us think she was crazy when she said you were messing with her," He scolds.

I couldn't hold it in, all these feelings I didn't know I had started pouring out of me with the tears.


"She would have been a mean mummy, very mean. She was mean, she only wanted to use Danny for money, she told me." I cry as I rock myself on the floor. 

I hear Dannt shoe away my other brothers as he comes to sit beside me. Wrapping one arm around my small figure. 

"Lyssy, no-one is going to replace Mum, okay? No one in the world could replace our Mum, she was one in a million. Thank you for standing up for me, and showing us that she was only with me for money. But you can't treat people like that, even if you don't like them you still have to treat them the same way you want to be, that's the golden rule." He whispered. 

"I-Im so-sowrey," I choke out "I-I didn't want a mean person like her to be in our family," I look up at him through my tear soakened lashes.

He just nods his head, looping his arms underneath me, he carries me up the stairs and towards his room. Placing me under his sheets, he jumps in with me. 

"Don't be sad Lyssa, okay, Mum would of wanted you to be happy." He coos before ticketing me to death.

I finally fall asleep, in peace. Sleeping in Danny's bed is always peaceful.


Im so sorry, I was so incredibly unmotivated. It wasn't until I finally opened Wattpad again for the first time in a couple of months and I saw that I have over 45K READS WTH I'm literally sooo grateful. 

I love you all heapsss.

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