Chapter 1

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   "I'm impressed it only took you 2 years to finally agree with me. Am I that disagreeable?"

Tomura stated jokingly, standing slightly taller than the younger counterpart in front of him, smiling madly, lips as chapped as ever. His blue hair a mess atop his head, falling in his face every time he moved.

   Izuku was unfazed by his dirty looking character, knowing that underneath that, was someone who could kill, and would feel no remorse. He also was the one who recruited his dad a few years before. The man who was ok with taking his dad from him. From his mom.

The fact that Tomura had accomplished such a feat at such a young age confused Izuku, but he knew, as his dad had informed him, that Tomura was only the face of the league. The real leader was so powerful, he was able to injure the " Number 1 Hero." But even if that was true, his ruthlessness didn't falter, his malice able to be felt from across the table. It was frightening, and Izuku would have probably been intimidated if he could feel much of anything right then.

He took his dad from him. And here he was, hoping to get recruited by the same man, but his reason was very different. At the moment, he simply wanted purpose and someone to care for him. Someone who would believe that he could do something more then work in an office. 

   And he had also heard rumors that the league had a partner who could take and give quirks. This interested Midoriya most of all. The possibility of proving everyone wrong, showing everyone that made fun of him or didn't believe in him. He knew it would be near impossible to be useful to anyone being quirkless, since he had been told that many times throughout his childhood. So this opportunity was one that he couldn't pass over. Any quirk, he would make sure to make the best of it, no matter how crappy. He just needed to be given the opportunity to show his potental.

     "Hey, I need to ask a question before I accept this job fully." Izuku asked, needing to make sure that if he joined he could be given a quirk, and not just be a pawn for a random suicide mission, which the league was known for. 

   "What's your queston Izuku?" Shigaraki said, intrigued at the fact that he asked a question so soon, but happy that he did. He wasn't completely stupid.

     "Is it true that your league has someone who can give me a quirk if they wanted to?"

Izuku asked, a serious look on his face. This would be the only real reason he would join. The want for something everyone said he couldn't have, this opportunity was one that he had wished forever, since that doctor dashed his hopes. 

    "Where'd you hear that from, are people spreading rumors about us now?" Tomura answered cockly, concealing the truth. Although he was going to tell him anyway, it was fun to tease the jumpy boy. 

    "You could say its a popular rumor." Izuku said coldly.

He stayed determined to get his answer, no matter how sad, depressed, angry, all of it. None of his emotions could keep him from beng happy in this moment. He was excited at this opportunity, and so happy that he might even have the slightest chance at having his own quirk. 

      "Well, I guess the rumors are getting out of control for it to be basic knowledge that someone in our organization, who works behind the scenes no less, has the ability to give out quirks. Yes, in fact our boss, and my adoptive father, has the ability to take and give quirks at will. You can get one, but only due to the name your father made before you came. You would have had better chances of a good one if you had just came when I told you to, but thats your bad and not my problem." Tomura spat out, with a halfway joking halfway serious type of tone. He had, at one point, been a friend of sorts to Izuku when he was a child. He had wanted to be his mentor, but Izuku's wild dreams kept him from learning any thing about the villian profession when he was young. So he knew certain things, but he wasn't as well trained as Tomura. If he had just listened to him, he wouldn't have had to go through all the torment that ended up leading hm back to this safe haven of sorts.

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