Chapter 2

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"Hmm, they've been gone for quite a while, huh?" Izukus thought to himself as he layed in his bed, contemplating on whether or not to just say forget it and go to sleep or to stay up and wait for his friends to return. As he yawned loudly, not fearing anuone hearing him, he chose his fate and layed under the plush covers, his head hitting the cosy, fluffy pillows, almost instantly falling asleep.

Izukus had yet another night of dreamless sleep, and the black void of it all was actualky comforting. Despite not having dreams any more, it was better then having to have dreams that were worse then most peoples nightmares. So the blackness was much more reassuring of his safety here, no matter how dangerous of a task they assigned him.

At around 2 am the team finally returned. It took a while to try and sneek out of such a prestigious neighborhoods unspotted. They had to go thru so many alleyways and sewers. And Toga complained the whole way, which just made the entire situation worse, by Tomuras standards anyway. But they had finally made it back, a smelly group, but a group that had completed their mission. They had Todoroki Shouto.

The boss had suddenly asked for Shouto as soon as he heard that izuku had returned. Tomura knew they had been friends when the were younger, but does that justify them kidnapping the number 2 hero's son?

Well as usual he had just decided to follow his adoptive fathers orders. Of he made him happy, then he did something right, so he was fine with what he had done. But extreamly tired. Before taking a shower and burning his current clothing, he had decided to go check on Midoriya, just to make sure that he got to bed ok and that he was fine. Like a good big brother would.

The door creaked as Tomura opened it to see an adorable sleeping Izuku, with the covers up so high they covered half of his head. All that could be seen was a mass of green hair and two closed eyes, a peaceful expression resting on his face.

Tomura closed the door and proceeded to take a shower and get ready for bed. By now their new hostage, or well "new recruit by force" should be tied up and knocked out by now, those were kurogiri's orders for after the kidnapping was finished. Tomura was considering calling in Dabi from his vacation to deal with Shouto, him being his brother and all.

But with them being siblings it was probably better if Tomura dealt with him, or at least the initial breaking him in. He would question him first to see if torture or "breaking in" was even necessary. If Shouto just agreed, he would probably be lying. His father is the number 2 Hero. Hero's are one of the main things he grew up around, he must adore them more then most average civilians. So this task would be difficult. But no more difficult then breaking in anyone else. Although if they chose not to listen, they would have to deal with Dabi, and get worse burn scars then even he had. Lucky for them, that only ever happened once, and since his body was burned to a crisp, they just extracted his quirk and turned him into a Nomu.

Simple really. But the boss had specified to take extra care of Shouto, since he was so powerful it would truly be a waste to just burn him. Not that fire would work too well, but just as an example.

This job was tiring, but after a while you get used to it. And just have to hope your more powerful then anyone the government sets you up against. And that your strong enough to deal with it if your not.

After getting out of the shower, Tomura walked to his room with just his towel around his waist and another towel in his hand for his fuzzy blue hair. He dressed in his normal oversized t shirt and put on some boxers. Climbing into bed, he kept thinking about what he was going to do about the youngest Todoroki, who was locked up in his basement.
Waking up and stretching, Izukus looked over to the alarm clock to read the time as 7:23 before laying back down, considering going back to sleep for a few more hours. But he had already been caught awake. "Come one Izu~kuuuuuu. I saw you get up, its your turn to make breakfast so get to it!" Toga screamed, way to loud for anyones liking, especially someone who had just woke up.

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