Chapter 4

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"What about this one?" Izuku asked, pointing at th third file in the row of emmitter quirks. "The Zero Gravity one?" The doctor asked. "No, the third one." Izuku pointed at it again, making sure that his finger was in the right place this time.

"Are you sure that's the one that you want? This will be your power for the rest of your life." Izuku contemplated this for a minute, but he was sure that this was the one that he wanted. He could see himself using this to help people that needed his help, and exact his revenge on those who deserved it.

"Yea, I'm sure. I want that one."

The doctor got up and walked over to what looked like a file cabinet. When he opened the drawer second to last on the bottom, a green light illuminated from it, shining through the entire dimly lit room. He picked up a case, which looked more like a box, and the glow got brighter as he took it out of the cabinet.

In his hands was a manifested quirk, being held in a box, waiting to be put back into someone. The doctor walked over to a counter, setting the box down, and went to the other side of the room.While Tomuras eyes followed the doctor, Izuku couldn't help but stare at the box on the counter. Anticipation, excitement and anxiety hit him like a truck at just the sight of the box.

The doctor had made his way back to the box by now, in his hands was what looked like a really large syringe. Izuku hadn't noticed the hole in the side of the box, which was where the syringe was being inserted. As the doctor pulled the end out, The glow slowly transfered itself from the box into the syringe. The light it was emitting was almost blinding.

"Well, since All for One isn't here, we have to use different means of transfering the quirk. This might hurt a lot." The doctor started making his was towards Izuku, who was at the same time walking away from him in pure terror. The thought of that huge thing going into his arm made him want to throw up. And as much as he wanted a quirk, this still scared him to no end.

But lucky for him,Tomura was there to hold him down. Tomura knew how much he wanted this, and he wasn't going to let him run away from him just beacause the syringe was unnesssesarily huge. Standing behind him, Tomura grabbed his arms and pinned them to his back, making sure he couldn't move away from him. Izuku turned his head to the side, expecting to feel the worst pain of his life.

To his surprise, The syringe only hurt for a second, and the pain didn't exceed more than a small pinch. He could feel it getting inserted into him, and finally got over his fear and looked to the side, with one eye closed. What he saw made his eyes widen so much they burned.

His arm was glowing green, all of his veins illuminating with the color of the boys hair. Opening both of his eyes at the sight, fear and surprise flowing through him along with the quirk. He staired down at his arm, not taking his eyes off of it, the shock long from wearing off.

Pushing in the last remains of the liquified quirk, the Doctor took the syringe out of Izuku, leaving his arm shaking slightly. Izuku lifted his arm to his face, an expression indescribable due to the pure look of fear and terror. His arm felt like it was buzzing, still shaking. He flexed his arm and pulled his fingers to the palm of his hand over and over again. The light neon green glow was starting to wear off, traveling all over his body, leaving a luminescent trail throughout everywhere it went.

"How strange, in the original host, the quirk was a shade of blue. I suppose you really made it your own, Midoriya!" The doctor said, before walking past the stunned pair, out towards the door.

"Try it out, but step outside first, I happen to like this lab." The doctor ushered both Tomura and Izuku out of his door to the open land outside. The nightime breeze out in the forested area was cool and smelled of maple and evergreen trees. It blew their hair to the side, cooling off Izuku's oddly heated body.

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