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The English lesson sped past with Rachel enjoying Quinn's whispered commentary on which members of Glee would be cast as which characters in a modern day version of Mid Summers Night Dream and whilst there were numerous candidates for the role of Bottom and the accompanying donkeys head, there was only on candidate for Puck. Rachel's suggestion that casting by name might not be a good strategy was countered by Quinn mentioning the revival of Funny Girl and pointing out Rachel's middle name would be sufficient to get her the role if the same method were applied. As for Puck, who else was meddlesome, prone to make mistakes and likely to know the word girdle was Quinn's justification, besides there was no way he'd play the role of King of the fairies. Rachel pointed out that if type casting was the order of the day then maybe Kurt not Blaine should be Oberon and so the debate had continued causing the lesson to fly past. Battle-axe Betty's reminder of how much she was anticipating an intelligently argued and coherent not to mention original - here she glared at each of them in turn - piece on Henry V in her hand by the start of the school day tomorrow without fail, wasn't enough to dampen Rachel's mood. Exiting the classroom to find Finn waiting for her was. She felt her heart sink.

" Rachel, can we talk?" Finn asked quietly before glancing down at Quinn in her chair and adding,"In private?"

Rachel fought the urge to point out that she had made a similar request only a few hours ago to be knocked back by him - her mind raced between whether a conversation was a good or bad idea at this particular moment.

" Rachel had agreed to take me to physiotherapy," mentioned Quinn knowing Rachel had agreed nothing of the sort but wanting to give her an easy way out of what would no doubt be an awkward conversation. Well, maybe she just wanted to stop Rachel caving in too early to the lure of getting back together with Finn and at the same time spare herself another session of Bible Boys unwanted Christian inspirational messages. Two birds with one stone and all that.

Rachel's gaze swung from one to the other. Finn looked upset and she hadn't really sorted out what she was going to say beyond what she'd already blurted out in the refectory - okay so maybe she wouldn't mention about hiring him to clean her pool again. Quinn on the other hand had been amusing company and maybe helping her out with the physiotherapy, even if it was only as a taxi service, would in some way ease the guilt she felt for Quinn being in her current situation. So, angst ridden awkward conversation versus good company with an opportunity for easing her guilt, a no-brainer really.

"I ...Finn I've already agreed to help Quinn," she finally managed to say noting the slight smirk on Quinn's face and the hardening of Finn's features, "Maybe later?" She tried to appease him because later would in fact be worse. She needed to think about researching and writing her Henry V argument on top of everything else before tomorrow.

Finn grunted, as he turned away not really trusting himself to speak. Maybe he shouldn't have insisted that Rachel speak in front of his friends but her reaction had been a little over the top. They needed to sort this out and that could only happen by talking. Now Quinn was yet again getting in the way, she'd stopped his wedding and now she was stopping him getting back together with Rachel. Quinn was the real problem here, that and Rachel's desperate need for the ex Cheerios approval. He knew first hand what a selfish, cold and manipulative person Quinn really was, never mind the ease with which she betrayed people. It hadn't really been that hard to lure her away from Sam. He strode down the corridor wrapped up in thought. He'd drop round to Rachel's later when she'd be Quinn free and ready to give him the attention he deserved. Everything would be back to normal by the end of the day.

"Are you okay?" asked Quinn watching Rachel carefully as Finn walked away - was that regret or relief?

"I'm fine," announced Rachel plastering a big smile on her face that didn't quite reach her eyes.

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