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Fortunately tap dancing wasn't a class that Sarah attended so Quinn could relax and enjoy the uninterrupted joy of watching Rachel as she twirled and tapped her way around the room. There was a range of ages participating in the class all with one thing in common, the smiles on their faces. Quinn was enjoying watching the flexing of Rachel's muscles as her toned taut body spun past her and she could feel herself smiling. It was as if the joy of dancing was contagious; her heart rate had increased and breathing was slightly more laboured. She wanted to hug Rachel tightly to her and run her hands over those muscles that were holding her in such thrall. Another burst of laughter from Rachel broke through her thoughts. Rachel was competing with a teenage boy as they mock ran on the spot going faster and faster trying to outdo each other. Soon the whole class was having a go before the teacher stepped up and completely annihilated the competition.

It was a breathless slightly sweaty Rachel who finally joined her, towelling her face and still grinning broadly having only been bested by the teacher. Rachel tipped her head back as she gulped down water from the bottle Quinn offered her. Quinn watched fascinated as Rachel's throat muscles rippled under the smooth skin.

"That was amazing," said Quinn her smile matching Rachel's ," You were.." Quinn paused knowing she was in danger of over using the word amazing," mesmerising."

Rachel's smile broadened and she impulsively hugged Quinn drawing away before Quinn had the chance to realise what was happening and hug her back.

"I'm going to go and have a quick shower as I'm a bit... Well I need a shower. Are you alright to wait here?" asked Rachel hoping she hadn't grossed Quinn out by hugging her when still slightly hot and sweaty from her exertions. She just felt so exuberant and full of energy. She had been aware of Quinn's eyes fixed on her throughout the class and rather than feeling discomfort or awkwardness like when Sarah stared at her she'd felt inspired and invincible. It was an amazing feeling to know that she was the reason for that big smile that had been adorning Quinn's face for the duration of the class. This was why she wanted to be a performer, to bring joy to others. She'd just never realised that she would receive such a thrill from it too. Rachel tried to dampen down her excitement at having Quinn as a friend - was it too soon to call her her best friend? - as she skipped to the changing room.

Quinn had finally exhausted polite conversation with the tap teacher so she headed off with instructions on how to locate Rachel. She wasn't unduly worried as knowing Rachel there was probably a strict yet extensive cleansing regime that needed following hence how long it was taking. She finally made her way through the door of the changing room but her intention to call out for Rachel was quickly crushed as she realised she'd arrived mid conversation. She could recognise Rachel and Sarah's voices. Sarah was trying to persuade Rachel into something alternating between cajoling and mild insults about being sad for not wanting to go. It seemed someone's parents were away and there was going to be an impromptu party. She wheeled herself around the corner to find Sarah standing what she considered way too close to Rachel, looking down on her. Rachel was clutching the towel around her as if hanging on for dear life. Her eyes darted to catch Quinn and her posture relaxed slightly.

"I'm sorry Sarah I really can't, I already have plans. Quinn and I," Rachel tailed off. Her ability to lie was sorely underdeveloped partly as a consequence of being an only child and partly from having doting parents who were forgiving enough to make lying rather pointless. Quinn on the other hand had had a very different upbringing.

"are having dinner with my mother," finished Quinn, pleased to note Sarah's instant displeasure at her arrival. At least it meant she moved out of Rachel's personal space so she could spin round and glare at Quinn.

"Sounds fun," said Sarah sincerely although the face she pulled at Quinn suggested it was anything but. Sarah swung her bag onto her shoulder and then faced Rachel and with a sickening sweet tone suggested the pair of them could catch up for some girl talk later in the week. Rachel's hesitancy was overrun by Sarah's pushing 'weds, just the pair of us, it'll be fun' before she kissed Rachel on the cheek and flounced out of the changing room, managing to bump into Quinn as she left. Quinn couldn't help but notice the faint blush on Rachel's cheeks - maybe Sarah's interest in Rachel wasn't completely one-sided.

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