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Rachel was up so bright and early that she was ready more than half an hour before she needed to leave to pick Quinn up. Her bag had been packed and repacked so she sat flickering through the Byron love poems imagining that Quinn was reading them as she sat sipping a black coffee. Her Dads were slowly regaining the ability to form coherent speech after sufficient hits of caffeine so she was debating leaving so as to avoid yet more of her dads weird behaviour. Her Dad began mumbling something about wanting to give Byron another ago and then her Daddy turned round from the cooker to face her waving a spatula in his hand as he struck a pose and recited

"No, there's nothing half so sweet in life as love's young dream," with a big grin on his face.

"That's not even Byron," huffed Rachel as she pecked his cheek and headed for the door in the hope of escaping before her Dad decided to join in and ruin Byron for her.

Despite being early Quinn was ready to go and her appearance filled Rachel with a warm glow. She never realised having a nearly best friend could be so uplifting. Her face was in permanent smile mode that only brightened when she threw her inhibitions to the wind and gave Quinn a quick hug hello. That Quinn hugged her back was the reassurance she needed that she'd not over stepped any boundaries. Judy was stood in the hallway watching them both with a fond expression on her face before she reminded Quinn of her Physio appointment and asked Rachel if she would be joining them for the evening meal. It amazed Judy that there was another level to Rachel's enthusiasm and delight as she literally bounced with excitement at the invitation. Quinn was too distracted by Rachel's adorableness to worry about Judy's motivations, besides there were no more baby photos that Rachel hadn't yet seen. Although, now she came to think about it, her mother had a wealth of 'Quinn as a child' stories that she needed little encouragement to share. Rachel and Quinn were busy grinning happily at each other, neither making any move to head off to school until Judy cleared her throat in an overly long and loud manner. The spell was broken and the pair headed somewhat sheepishly to Rachel's car.

Finn placed himself along the corridor but in eyeshot of Rachel's locker. Rachel's upbringing dictated that there was no way she could ignore the flowers he'd sent. He'd expected a text but was now hopeful that Rachel's decision to thank him face-to-face meant they were heading back together. She'd have to thank him and if she didn't want to actually talk to him she'd have texted. Finn had considered delivering the flowers (suggested by his Mom after he gave her a highly Finn favourable version of recent events) by hand but the thought of having to interact with Hiram and Leroy put him off. He always felt slightly uncomfortable as didn't gay men like young toned athletes like himself - okay maybe working towards being toned was more accurate? They always were unfailingly polite to him with just a slight hint of disapproval which was no doubt just a cover for the fact they found him fanciable. Also they'd do that gay man thing of sneering at him as no doubt they'd know instantly that the bunch of flowers were the second cheapest in the shop. Gay men just knew these things and anyway why spend more of his savings on flowers when this was just a softening up manoeuver? Not much bang for his bucks as Puck would say.

Finn's musings were interrupted by a Cheerio approaching him and offering in a suggestive voice as she ran her hand over his chest to 'help him forget his woes'. He knocked her back with little attempt at grace or politeness as everything was so much better if you had to work for it. By the time he finally bedded Rachel again and made her submit to his will (and possibly give him the blow job he now spent much time fantasising about) it would all be so much sweeter. Making Rachel do what he wanted for his pleasure - now that was the name of the game and surely the selfish accusation still had some life in it?The smirk caused by the anticipation of future delights was quickly wiped from his face by the appearance of Rachel and Quinn engrossed in some kind of highly amusing discussion as they came into view. He hadn't been aware that Quinn could even smile that widely. No doubt they were doing the best mates act just to taunt him.

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