72. Night Drives.

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Preference 72.  NIght Drives. 

Ashton: You would be cooped up in your room, studying all night for a test you had the next morning. Every 5 minutes you would get text messages from Ashton asking you what you were up to, if you were hungry, and if you wanted to get the hell out of your house. You laughed every time and responded to his questions like, “I’m studying” “I’m starving” and “I can’t”. His replies would only be sad faces and nothing more. When you went back to studying, you realized he had stopped texting, but that was a good thing, you thought. Flipping through the pages, you heard a car’s horn honk once outside your window. A second later, your phone buzzed. It was Ashton. Get your ass in this car right now :) x You couldn’t help but smile to yourself. He was really doing this. You looked over at your clock – 12:30 am and your parents were sound asleep. “Oh, what the hell,” you said to yourself as you grabbed your phone and slipped on your shoes. Making your way to the front door, you made sure your parents hadn’t heard you walk passed. Locking the front door behind you, you ran through the grass straight to Ashton’s car. “You’re crazy,” you told him when he had rolled down the window. He laughed and shifted his head to the passenger side. “Hop in,” he said with a smile. Once you got inside, he drove out of your neighborhood and got onto the main road. He had no idea where you two were going, but he was happy you were right there next to him. And you were glad he saved you from studying. As you glanced over at him, you realized, you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

Calum: You and Calum were walking around your neighborhood, just talking about whatever came to mind. Mostly, you caught yourself asking him questions about tour and going to different cities. He lit up instantly as he answered your many questions and you couldn’t help but smile back. You just wanted to get out of this town, this city, and go someplace new. Calum had promised you he’d get you out of that town one day. As you two walked back to his house, he stopped by his car. You watched him reach into his pockets, searching for something. When he pulled out his car keys, you looked over at you and asked, “Wanna go for a drive?” You nodded and got into the passenger side. The thing was Calum didn’t have his license yet, but you knew he had been learning. As you buckled yourself in, you looked over to the driver’s side and watched Calum have a hard time trying to get the key into the ignition. “Damn it,” he said as he dropped the keys. You laughed before turning on the car light. “Geez, Cal. You can’t even get the key in the ignition, I don’t even wanna know-“ “Very funny,” he said, cutting you off. You shook your head and sat back while he continued fumbling with the keys. A minute later, he finally got it started. “Wouldn’t your mom get mad?” You asked, turning the car light off. Cal shook his head and said, “They won’t notice,” while he started to back up the car. He was doing all right, so far. You plugged in your iPod and played some night driving tunes. Once Calum got on the road, you both rolled the windows down and drove out of the neighborhood. You stuck your hand out the window and let the wind hit against it while the music blared through the speakers. Looking over at Cal, he was very focused on the road, but had a huge smile on his face.  He was sitting upright, leaning towards the steering wheel and you had snapped a picture of him just in time.

Luke: You and Luke had decided to stay in for the night and hang out. It had been a while since you two last saw each other, and to make up for lost time, Luke requested a night in with movies and Mexican food. You liked spending time with him, especially like this. Once the food had arrived, Luke threw a large blanket on the floor, right in front of the TV. When you carried the food towards the living room, you looked at him. “What are you doing?” you asked and he took a seat on the floor, resting his back against the sofa. “Just setting a proper picnic,” he replied with a smile. Shaking your head, you kneeled down and placed the food in front of him. Luke grabbed a plastic fork and opened up the Styrofoam boxes. You two had ordered enchiladas with Spanish rice and beans. Mexican food was something you two loved having together so the night had gotten 10x better just looking at the food. “Oh my god, this looks amazing,” Luke said as he stared down at his box with his mouth wide open. You laughed and closed his mouth for him. “You’re gonna drool all over your enchiladas.” He laughed and you two sat back against the sofa and began eating your food while watching some movie Luke popped in. By the time you two finished both your food and the movie, you looked at each other and grinned. You both were thinking the same thing. “Night drives,” you both said. You grabbed your keys and ran out to your car with Luke following behind. It had become routine for you two – having dinner, watching a movie, and then go out for a nice drive around town. Luke got in the passenger seat and immediately plugged in his iPod while you started the car. “Anywhere in particular,” you asked while you backed out of the driveway. Luke looked at you with a smile. “How about the park?” You nodded and drove down the street with All Time Low softly playing inside the car. Something Luke enjoyed doing was leaning towards you and placing his hands over yours just so he could get the feel of driving. It made you laugh every time but these were definitely the best times of your life.

Michael: Michael was headed to your house to hang out. You had told him to order a pizza and so he went. He could never turn down a pizza. As soon as he arrived at your door, you opened it and looked at him. He was standing there with a crooked smile on his face with the pizza in one hand while he held a large Slurpee in the other. “Is this for me,” you asked, reaching for the Slurpee but Michael pulled back. “Yeah, right,” he replied with a laugh. He smirked before he turned around and walked back towards his car. “Where are you going?” You asked him as you shut the door behind you, not wanting to let the cold air into your house. Michael looked over his shoulder and replied, “You getting in or what?” He had opened the back door and placed the pizza back inside and then got into the driver’s side. You looked at him weirdly before running down the pathway towards the passenger side. With no further questions being asked, you buckled yourself in and reached for the Slurpee – this time, he couldn’t hold it from you. As you took a sip, you looked over at him. “Where are you taking me, Clifford?” As he started down the road, he smiled, but kept his focus on the road. “Just taking you to the cliff for some pizza and a Slurpee, of course.” You smiled and took another sip. The cliff was a place you two found together while driving together one day. It was merely a rock that overlooked the city. At night, you two would drive there and watch the lights flicker on as the sun set. Just thinking about it put a huge smile on your face. “You sure know how to treat a girl,” you said to him with a chuckle. Michael looked over at you and attempted to snatch the Slurpee, but you pulled back. “Keep your eyes on the road,” you grinned.

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