101. You're Friends With Another Member And You Find Out He Has A Crush On You.

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Preference 101.You're Friends With Another Member And You Find Out He Has A Crush On You.

Ashton: You and Calum had been friends since you met him at the mall. At first you were worried that he liked you, because you were an Ashton girl at heart. But as the months went on you and Calum grew to be like brother and sister. He always joked about hooking the two of you up together, and you would just blush. "Alright I know how I brought this up last week about me getting you and Ash together-" You cut him off "That will never happen, he doesn't like me in that way." Calum lifts you chin to look you in the eyes, "Stop saying that, you're beautiful and he actually asked me for your number." This lifted your spirits. A smile spread across your face. "Did you give it to him?" Calum laughed. "Of course, he said he's liked you for a long time and just hasn't had the guts to ask you out."

Calum: You and Michael had been friends since birth. He felt like you were his sister since he hadn't ever had a sibling. He knew that Calum liked you because the way he would always act around you. Michael wanted to wait to tell you to see if you liked him in that way. At the next movie night, you sat next to Calum, instead of Michael like you always did. Both Cal and Michael noticed this. Michael texted Calum for him to ask you out tonight. When the movies were over, and all the guys were about to fall asleep you decided it was a good time to go home, Calum walked you out to your car. He raised his arm to scratch the back of his head. "So um I was wondering, would you maybe wanna go out and get dinner tomorrow night?" He was acting bashful. You did a little giggle. "I would love to." You quickly kissed him on the cheek and got into your car.

Luke: Ashton had met you while he was out on tour, all the other guys thought the two of you would start dating, but you both had made it perfectly clear, you only thought of each other as friends. While you were on skype with Ashton one day, Luke walked in, apparently not knowing Ashton was skyping with you. "Okay so you know a while back when you said you and (Y/N) would never date?" Luke asked Ashton. Ash nodded and awkwardly looked at you then back to Luke. "Well I like her dude, and I have since you first met and I waited to say something just to make sure the two of you wouldn't date." Luke explained. You and Ashton both busted out laughing. Luke saw it was you on the screen and covered his face with his hands. "Oh my God." You said between laughs, "That was so adorable," Luke looked up at you and blushed. "So wanna go out? He asked.

Michael: You and Luke were friends through your parents and that was pretty much it. You both just never became super close friends throughout the years. One night when you were over at Lukes house with your parents the rest of the other boys were over too. You immediately locked eyes with Michael, and you blushed. As the night went on you realized that both you and Michael had a lot in common. When your parents were ready to leave, you felt disappointed that he hadn't asked for your number or anything. he next time you were at Lukes house, you had high hopes that Michael would be there, but he wasn't. "So (Y/N) you know Michael has a thing for you." Luke casually said at dinner. You almost spit out your water. "And you waited til' now to tell me Hemmings?"

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