92. You Get Jealous Of Him And A Fan.

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Preference 92. You Get Jealous Of Him And A Fan.

Ashton: You were used to the band getting swarmed by fans. It never really bothered you, but after not seeing your boyfriend for two months while he was on tour, you were feeling a little bit selfish. As you were walking through the street with Ashton, you heard a squeal behind you, only to turn around and see a group of fans following you. Ashton, being the nice boy he is, gladly stopped to talk with them for a few minutes, taking pictures and signing autographs. You huffed as he gave the girls his attention and he looked up at you apologetically. "Hey, babes, I love you and it's great to meet you, but I gotta get back to my girlfriend now. We've just been reunited and I missed her loads," he explained with a grin. Looking towards the group of fans, you said, "Sorry, girls. I'm can't help feeling a bit jealous when you're all so gorgeous." He reached for your hand and waved to the girls as the two of you walked away, finally getting the time you needed.

Calum: You had done it a million times, it was no big deal. You absolutely loved going with Calum to meet fans. You loved watching them interact and seeing their faces light up when he talked to them. But, your favorite part was definitely playing photographer and taking the pictures for them. However, at this venue in particular, there was one girl in you knew was catching Calum's eye. She walked over and slammed her phone into your hand without a word as she slyly asked him to kiss her on the cheek for the photo. While this generally wouldn't bother you, the girl's looks and Calum's obvious eagerness to kiss her cheek made you green with envy. You snapped the picture quickly and began to walk away. Calum ran after you and grabbed your hand. Turning around, you could see the embarrassment in his eyes. "Babe. Don't be mad at me. You know you're the only one I love. That was just a silly pose," he said holding you by your shoulders. "Yeah, well, maybe next time you can try to keep your hormones under control, lover boy," you replied, quickly brushing off the jealousy and smirking at your snide remark.

Luke: Standing side stage at the show, you watched Luke do his thing, playing guitar and serenading the crowd. You lived for the moments when you could sit back and watch the boy you were in love with in his prime. Looking out at the crowd, you could see masses of girls fawning over the band, hanging onto their every word. One girl in particular caught your eye. And Luke's, as well. You watched as the girl raised her shirt, flashing your boyfriend, shameless as can be. Looking towards him, you see him crack a smile and point the girl out to his bandmates. That was the end. You ran back into the dressing room, livid at what you had just witnessed. Later, when the band filed into the room, Luke wandered your way. "Hey, where'd you go, love?" he questioned you. You looked up, rage filling inside you, "I don't know! Why don't you ask your little friend out there?" You practically screamed in his face, unable to control your anger. Confused, he looked to his friends for help. Calum quickly mimed raising his shirt and Michael just turned away, blushing. "Wait, babe, no! I don't know her! She's just some crazy fan! She seemed a little bit drunk if you ask me, anyways." Staring into his eyes, you could see he was telling the truth. Backing off, you apologized, asking if he would join you for dinner. Of course, he said yes.

Michael: You knew you were overreacting, but finding out Michael had been dm'ing a fan for over a week really bothered you. You knew he only meant it in a friendly way, but you couldn't help but think she had an ulterior motive. You stumbled upon the dm's when he left the room leaving his laptop open on the couch next to you. The second he walked back in, you stood up and marched over to stand in front of him. He glanced down at you, confused at the sudden tension in the air. "Well, Michael? What's up?" you said passive aggressively, practically spitting the words in his face. Looking down at you he murmured, "Hun? Are you feeling okay..? You seem mad-" he stopped mid-sentence, looking over at the computer. "Whoa, okay, babe. I see what happened," he began. "Do you? Did you finally figure out what's going on?" you yelled in his direction, pacing back and forth. "Y/N, why are you mad at me? I haven't done anything. It's simply a fan who needed someone to talk to. I wouldn't ever cheat on you. Let alone through a dm," he chuckled. Blushing, you turned away, embarrassment flooding over you about your knee jerk reaction. You began to turn around, only to find Michael had moved directly behind you. He put his hand on your cheek and whispered, "Seriously. How dumb do you think I am? I wouldn't risk this for anything," and leaned in to kiss you.


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