Day 3.

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"Bonjour mon cherie!!!"
Me and Emma have been chatting all morning. I don't have any classes till after lunch.

"Emma I just. I'm so fed up of everything being the same."

"What do you mean?"

"Just there's not change. No excitement. I don't know, I guess I'm just bored."

"Well you need to get yourself out there Henry! Pining after what's his name from work won't make your life any more exciting."

"Chad?" I told her I liked him, nothing else, "Well you're right I just don't know."

"What if you just went up to him and kissed him. Like you told me you wanted to do all those times..."
It's clear she was joking but it made me uncomfortable.
He is gorgeous, truly just perfect.
But, for once since meeting him, even just a peck with him makes me feel uncomfortable.
Ted however...
I don't know him, he's an asshole from what I could tell.
Ew who would want to kiss that.
(I would please)

Our conversation was going smoothly until she stops mid sentence.
And then I see Paul walk in.

He's followed by this guy.
Was it the same one from the other day?
He looks different.
I mean, he was cute then.
But today he's just hot.
That was odd to think to myself. I never usually think of someone as hot.
I never get flushed around a stranger.
But there's no other word I know to describe him by.
He has this white shirt on, it's a little wrinkled by that doesn't bother me.
I don't know why he's rolled his sleeves up to his elbow, but thank god he did.
His arms seem really toned. Wow.
What am I doing? He was a douche yesterday.

He looks at me, kind of confused I think.
But he probably wants to make an asshole comment over my choice of outfit.
Seems like that kinda guy.
You see the way I'm dressed isn't exactly heterosexual.
Emma said she's living for it, so I'll take her word on it.
I also went for a bit of heavier makeup, a little purple eyeshadow to match my jumper, assisted with a little eyeliner. And lip gloss, this one always plumps your lips, it's a nice feeling.
No wing though on the eyeliner.
That scares me.
I roll my eyes at him and turn to continue my conversation with Emma, but Paul already has his arms around her shoulders and kisses her head.
AND YET, she still insists he doesn't like her.
I can feel Ted's eyes burning my cheeks.
Speak Henry, start a convo about Emma.
That way Ted can't say anything.

"Alright Paul and Emma, no need to make out right infront of his salad."
Ted spoke first.
I forgot I had a salad.
I tried not to laugh but I let out the ugliest little laugh.

"Yeah well you're staring at Henry's ass. Oh sorry, no homo..."
Paul retaliates.
Obviously it annoyed Ted but he didn't want to say it.
I felt my cheeks burning.
That sentence kept on my mind, obviously I'm just feeling a loss of attention since Emmas found Paul.
And so I'm overthinking it.
Like usual.
I wish the statement was true.
But I doubt it would be.
Why would he be looking at me, while I look like this? A mess.

He's obviously shaved recently, probably this morning.
There is a little razor burn, just on his right jaw.
I was staring at him I know, but I can't help myself sometimes.
What am I doing?

"Ahh so the mystery mans name was Henry!"
His voice isn't as husky as tuesday.
Infact, it's kinda nice.
Oh shit he was talking to me wasn't he.

"Uh yes, and you?"
Way to sound awkward.
Why are you like this around guys?
Every single one except Paul, because Paul is Emmas.
And you know his name already.
Edward? Or Theodore?
I don't know.

"Ted," He holds out his hand for me to shake it, which I do, "Ahh so you aren't actually American?"
What? How did he just...?
"It's your grip. Delicate. Americans have this weird thing, look let me show you."
He took my hand again, and it was firm. I've never noticed that before. I should start to take note of things like that.
Still I sit in silence, just feeling my hand in his.
It's a nice feeling.
But suddenly he recoils.

"I've never noticed that before, you learn something new everyday."
I want to continue speaking to him.

"Oh yeah Ted, Henrys a teacher! Can you believe that!"
I blush as Ted nods before looking towards the door.
His hair flops infront of his eyes and he doesn't move it out.
I would do it for him, but before I get the chance he's jumped up.

"I better get going, see you at work later."
That's why he was dressed.

"Bye Te-"
He's out the door before I finish my sentence.
Speed walking away.
Paul stands up and follows him.

Emma looks at me and raises her brows expectantly.
Literally he was here for like 10 minutes what is she going to say.
"So you thought he was just as rude today..."
I hit her shoulder.
"Seriously Henry, you were practically sucking his dick right there and then."

"Ew don't even. We just shook hands with each other."
She hummed, let's change the subject.
"Well you and Paul were literally ontop of each other so there."

"He doesn't like me!"

"And Ted's straight!"

Luckily the coffee shop is empty.

"Well. So much for life being boring."

"Tu as raison."

I am moving way too fast though.
I started falling for him almost immediately.
Am I actually falling for a straight guy I have met twice?
We talk for a bit longer, over the college.
Enough time for me to finish my salad.
God I need to get changed for work.
Ted probably won't be in my life after today, it was just chance today.

I doubt I'll see him.
Chance is a funny thing, but he probably won't think twice over it.
Most guys don't.
Unless they're desperate.

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