|16| From Virtual to Reality

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"Hold on just a second. How the hell does this go from a game to a serial killer??"

"I know it sounds sorta strange but the people that went missing were all from a game. They never said which game they just said it disappeared after that incident."

"Okay but Laurence is just raiding servers and playing girls? I don't get why he'd be suggested as a serial killer?"

Katelyn let out a small sigh and then turned to the back seat of her car. She grabbed a newspaper and placed it down on my lap.

I looked over at the paper nervously and began to read the title.

"Games turned real?"

I scanned through the article and as I looked through a certain part caught my attention.

"He would lure people using a game. He came off as seductive and a player. Something that most girls in that game were attracted too. First he would eliminate the boyfriend and then go for the girl."

"Okay I see what you're saying but this could be anyone! Why him out of all people!"

"Ive also been hearing a few more rumours." She mumbled.

"On the game that we play theres rumoured to be players who use to play that game."

"Okay...?" I raised an eyebrow and she continued on,

"I've met some of those players myself. As I use to play that game as well. They've been seeing small things that remind them off the older game. Sure there are perverts and such on every game but Laurence stands out. They've met him before as well and from what I've seen every time hes around something like people going missing happens." She said putting a finger on her lip.

"I see what you're trying to say but how is that possible if they locked him up?"

"That part I'm not sure of. It could be a copy cat or so on but either way something is definitely up with him."

"So then what you're saying is whatever happened to Garroth was Laurences fault?" I asked almost yelling.

"Yes that is so now hush down." She mumbled quietly.

I immediately put a hand over my mouth and nodded my head.

"So thats why you wanted to meet now. You think I'm the next victim?" She nodded her head in response.

"So then what do we do about him?"

"We need to expose him but that means we will have to use you as bait."

"BAIT!" I screamed out in shock.

She quickly put her hand up against my mouth and glared into my eyes.

"Yes bait. But we won't let you out of our site for a second."

"We?" I mumbled.

"Yes there is a con coming up soon for that game. I've heard that Laurence will be going and that means so shall we." Katelyn replied taking her hand off my mouth.

"So does that mean everyone else is going as well?" I asked curiously.

"Yes but so far only I know of whats going on. The rest don't know what kind of person Laurence is. Its probably best we don't inform them."

"Why not?" I asked blinking a few times in confusion.

"The more people that know the harder it will be to do this without getting caught. We cant underestimate him."

I nodded my head and then let out a small sigh.

"Have you seen Garroth or anything about him?" I asked as I stretched my arms a bit.

"Sadly not I haven't been able to find much information on his disappearance. Seems the police already know he's gone but they don't have any leads." She mumbled.

"Jeez I didn't think this would go so far. I honestly am still pretty surprised about the whole situation." I said laughing nervously.

"We should be careful from here out the con will be in a few days. When it arrives I'll pick you up. I have a feeling Laurence may get suspicious of us."

"How do you know that." I asked curiously staring at her.

"Well I don't know for sure. I'm not really sure what Laurence can do at all yet so that's why we have to be careful. But I'll drive you home today as well I'm not going to let Laurence get you."

"Thank you Katelyn."

"Anytime Aphamu."

I gave her a small smile and she returned one back.

She put her keys in the car and as she was about to start up the car there was a knock on the window.

"Shit.." Katelyn mumbled.

"Could it be?" I asked a nervousness beginning to build up in my stomach.

"Get in the back seat and hide."

Aphmau AU ♛Gate Way♛Where stories live. Discover now