Hell On Earth

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Frank, age 16:
First day of my new school, again. I lost count how many times I have moved schools. Why? Because I can't make friends and everyone always hates me, no matter where I go.

I get out of bed after my mother has screamed at me a million times to get ready for school, yay I can't wait to make new 'friends'! I go to my dresser and pull out a random shirt (misfits, half of my shirts are band merch) and a pair of black skinny jeans. This should do, I don't want to draw attention to myself, so wearing all black should do the trick.

"Hurry up or you'll be late!" My mom yells at me and then looks me up and down as I make my way into the kitchen and adds "Can't you wear anything normal, for once?"

Wow, someone is in a good mood. "Good morning to you too, mother" the sarcasm dripping off my words thickly, I plaster a fake, over the top, smile on my face and turn around to make myself a coffee.

From the corner of my eye I can see my mom looking at the clock every two seconds, tapping her finger against the glass. I take my time drinking my coffee, I just love annoying her.

I peacefully walk to the hallway and grab my hoodie, keys and walk out the house and slam the door shut behind me.

"To hell I go, no I mean prison. Shit SCHOOL!" I practically yell at myself. I would rather go to hell and prison combined, I would probably make better friends with satan.


The school is only a twenty minute walk from my house, so I make it on time. But, wow, the place is massive!

I see students sitting on benches, the stairs near the entrance. I see them walking across the grassy grounds, some still in the parking lot getting out of their cars, being greeted by their friends. Wow, I think, impressive.

So many people yet I am so lonely, but I'm used to the lack of friends. Anyway, who needs friends when you have a guitar! Right?

I need to find the reception, as to collect the time table which shall tell me what tortures they have waiting for me for the rest of the year.

I walk around the grounds aimlessly, not knowing where I'm going, trying to find anything that might lead me to finding the reception. I still have good thirty minutes until the bell rings signalling the start of school. Honestly, why did I leave the house this early?! Oh yh, my mother silently made me. Oh yeah, reception, I forgot. I catch a sight of a sign post, umm how have I not noticed that thing before? I swear down I walked eight times in a circle around the school grounds. Ugh, never mind, I walk up to the post and immediately I see one of the signs pointing to the left of me 'Reception' it read, I slowly turned to the left of me and as clear as day light I notice a small, off the side, building with big letters hanging over the door, which, suprise, read 'Reception'. I swear down I was looking at this god damned building for five minutes on my first round around the grounds. I look back and earn myself a fit of giggles from a group of girls huddled around a bench.

Ugh, I already hate this place!

I make my way inside the reception, and pick up my time table and a little map of the school. Taking a quick glance at the time table, I find out I have maths first. Woooow, awesome start of the day! I mutter a quick thank you and goodbye to the receptionist and make my way to maths, with my nose practically attached to the little map.

I walk a few feet like this when I hear someone yelling, I ignore it and keep on walking.

"Oi faggot!", someone grabs me by my arm. Making me stumble slightly backwards. Oh how lovely, the bell didn't even ring yet and I already found myself a new friend.

"What?" I answer to him. Oh boy I regret it... The guy is two heads taller then me. From under the tight shirt I can see big muscles. His biceps are bigger then both of mine put together. Oh shit.

"Have some respect, you fag!" He spits in my face and pushes me to the ground and leaves me there, lying on the ground. Okay now I know who to not mess with. I get up and make my way to class.


The day gone past really quick, I had maths, history, double science and then Spanish. I had not encountered the big monster (aka the nice little friend I met in the morning) during the day, again. I made sure to run into the closest bathroom every time I caught sight of him, which was not hard. The guy is a fucking giant!

I sat by myself at lunch, not bothered to try and start any conversation with anyone and no one came up to me to start one. After school I went straight home and to bed.

It was a long day.


OMG! I managed to write one chapter! I know it's really boring and all, but leave some comments and ideas, please. I would love some help<3


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