you're beautiful to me

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Wow. Frank Iero. I love his name it has a nice ring to it, i could say it all the time.
"Frank Iero, Frankie."
Hmmm, i love it. The name is just perfect, the way the 'F' is soft and then the 'r' rolls off your tounge giving it a scent of independence and the 'k' at the end is like a little click with your tongue and finishes it off flawlessly.

Frank Iero, kissed me today. His lips are soft and i can still taste his lips on mine, and how his lip ring felt cold against my mine.

He is just perfect, but I really wonder what we are now? Are we like together or was the kiss just experimental and now he is repulsed by me? I wish he was mine though, i just can't describe how amazing he is. I might ask him out officially. No, i will ask him out officially. The kiss cannot be the official thing like that i need it to be ground. The worst thing that can happen I will be permanently placed into the famous 'Friend Zone'. But as long as I will have his company I will be fine, I will still be honoured to be even just his friend.

I look around my room, the walls scattered with sketches and comic strips and some paintings. One painting catches my eye, I slowly raise from my chair and make my way to it. Standing in front of it I place my finger tips on her face. Sighing I look up.

"Oh, what am I going to do? How and when?"

Looking down on me is Mother War, her old victorian dress teared in places and once white is now covered in dirt and yellowed in places. A gas mask covering her beautiful features from the world, the world is too corrupted and not ready to see her.

I have been working on this fantasy world for a long time, a year or so. They became my friends and family, Mother War is just a image of my mind she helps me get through tough times. As the doctors once said it is my coping mechanism after my grandmother passed away.

All the characters are dressed in black and white and some wear parade clothes. I like to think of myself as the lead, I even drew a sketch of myself in the parade outfit.

I like to think this is the place you go to when you die. That you start a new life as a parader and welcome new people to the parade when they are lost.

"Hey I was knocking but you weren't replying. You okay?"

"Yes, thanks mom I'm okay."

"Your own little world again?"


I love my mom she's always so easy to talk to and I always tell her everything, well nearly everything.

"Who was that friend of yours? Frank was it? He seemed really sweet, is he your type?"


"Just saying." the laughter in her voice audible, she really does annoy me sometimes.

"I don't know though, if he likes me or not."

She tilts her head and gives me an apologetic looks. She walks up to my bed and plops down on it. Gesturing for me to sit next to her. I leave Mother War and sit down next to her.

"I hope everything works out, he seems better then the Bert guy you've dated before."

"Yes, he is, mom. He even kissed me today. But i don't know what it meant. I will ask him but I'm really nervous."

She looks at me and ruffles my hair smiling brightly at me. "What?"

"I say go for it!" I smile at her and she wraps her arms around me kissing the top of my head.

"Also, mom. Go check up on Mikey he was a bit down today, he's better now but you know."

"Don't worry i spoke to him and he tells me to say thank you to you for looking out for him"

Wow Mikey saying thank you to me? I mean someone does have to look after him and he is my younger brother after all.

"Yeah i helped him a bit today"

"That's my boy," ruffling my hair again she gets up "speak to Frank and tell me how it goes, just remember take it slow."

As she's about to leave i call her,

"Mom? Thank you for being here for me."

"No problem honey, that's what I'm here for."

After my nan passed away she was the only one left for me. Her and Mikey.

The World Is Ugly, But You're Beautiful To Me (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now