I'm okay (he lied to me!)

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When we get to Frank's road, I freeze. The kid lives on the same street as me! How did I not notice him before?

"Hello? Earth to Gerard. Anyone home?" He drags the last bit out. I turn to him with a grin across my face.

"Hell yeah! We live on the same fucking street!" I'm jumping up and down like an over excited puppy. What the fuck are you doing Frank? I mentally slap myself and calm down a little bit and follow Frank further down the road.

The kid's got shorter legs then me but he walks faster then me. Jesus. I jog to keep up and when I see him crossing the road and practically running towards the house right opposite mine. Well someone is excited.

Wait! Opposite! Fucking opposite my house! Aghhhh he's my neighbour.

I sprint to Frank and nearly knock both of us over. I grab both his hands and start jumping up and down like a puppy again. What the actual fuck Gee? What happened to the rude, mean and sassy you?

"Frank! Frank! Frank!" He starts to look as excited as me, "oh my god. Mannnnn. I live opposite you and aghhhhh!" His face lights up even more at that. He drags me inside and up the stairs.

His room is not spacious. There is a bed in the left hand corner of the door, a little bed side table next to it. A small wooden desk at the opposite wall of the bed, with a red and black office chair. One medium sized window and set of draws and a wardrobe. There are posters littering the walls, I can faintly make out the colour of the walls is black. There are two posters on the ceiling. The posters are of Green Day, Misfits and some other bands. It's really messy and chaotic, but in a good way. And ordered chaos.

"So this my room" he walks across to the other side near the window, "And this is Pansy, my guitar" I then notice a beautiful white guitar in the corner.

"You play?" I mentally slap myself, once again.

"No, it just stands there for decoration, you know. Of course I play dumb ass!" He smirks and picks Pansy up in his arms.

I feel my neck start to go hot, the feeling spreading up to my cheeks, painfully slow and across my whole face. I feel my my lips curve in an awkward smile. The chapped skin stretching, but I could feel the tension building up inside me.

"You're cute when you blush like that" Frank smiles. I look at him, eyes wide open. He's just standing there, and then slowly a look of fear crossing his eyes. Eyes widened, the irises shrinking in size. Oh God. His lips forming a little 'o'. I see red patches forming on his cheeks.

"Well I could say the same to you, hun." I smirk, trying to ease the tension and then wink at him making him even more embarrassed by the look of it. I feel the tension and embarrassment lifting off of me, I'm a selfish creature, as long as long as I feel comfortable everyone else can be burning up from embarrassing moments.

"I, I... I didn't. Not out loud. Shit, sorry." He stuttered, shuffling from foot to foot. Looking at the red carpet beneath his feet.


We both are startled by my phone going off. I take it out of my pocket, hands slightly sweaty and unlock the screen.

Moikey: Mannnnn, tf r u?!


Moikey: I don't have the keys you moron. Reply to me!


Moikey: Get ur ass home, I'm tiredddddd

Mikey... that child. How is he back home already? I loon at the time, there is still 3 hours left of school. How is he home already? So I text him back:

How come you home already? There's still 3 hrs left of skl

Come home and I'll tell you. Plz Gee.

Okay, I'm at a neighbours house opposite, imma be out in a sec. Just let me sort something out. Cya kid x

Okay be quick

I left it there. I walked up to Frank who was still awkwardly standing there. I lean down and grab his chin and lift up his head. He looks up at me, squirming slightly. Fear clearly etched into his face. I lean down and give him a peck on the cheek. "I meant what I said Frank, I think you're cute as well, not only when you blush. But now I really got to go, Mikey needs to tell me something." I pecked his cheek again, this time a little closer to his lips.

I turned around and left the room and left the smaller boy standing there in the middle of it.

My thoughts raced back to my brother, though. Mikey.

I walk out the house and immediately spot Mikey sitting on the front porch. I ran up to him.

He slowly rises up, not fully up to my height. His eyes are puffy, swollen and red. It looks like he has been crying... like he has been crying the whole way from school and maybe even before that. He sniffles a bit and wipes his sore eyes with the back of his sleeve. Looking up to me, I can see the pain behind those eye. The light slowly fading away.

What happened?

"Ra, Raa, Rayyy. He, he... he..." tears started forming and dripping down his cheeks. I pulled him into a tight hug, he didn't need to finish the sentence, I knew what was going to say, Ray broke up with me.

I patted him on the shoulder and turned to unlock the house door. With my arm still around Mikey's shoulder I walked him to his room and helped him get into his pyjamas and get into bed.

"Do you want anything?" I asked, I felt so bad and so sorry for my little brother. He didn't deserve all this. If only I could take those broken pieces and exchange them for mine. If only. He shook his head as a no "I'm okay." and turned his face into the pillow. My que to leave.

The World Is Ugly, But You're Beautiful To Me (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now