Thank you for the venom

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*WARNING! Self harm mentioned*


I slam my hand on the alarm clock and throw it across the room, hoping it breaks.

I get my ass out of bed and walk up to the pile of clothes the alarm clock landed on after bouncing off the wall.

Nope, still working. At least it's not beeping anymore.

The time flew by, I have been in the school for a whole week and a half. I get ready by pulling on some black skinny jeans and a plain white shirt.

I'm sorting my hair out, styling the maw-hawk into a swoon across my face and I look at the clock. Holy fuck! It's 7.40 already?! How did I take this long to do my hair? Jesus.

I rush down stairs and fall over my own feet at the base.

"God damn fucking stairs!" I scream. Good thing my mom started work three days ago so she did not hear that.

I grab my black hoodie and run out the house straight to school.

I run all the way to that place. I hate being late. Yes, I even hate being late to the prison the world calls school.

But of course I'm met with Matt and his gang at the entrance of the school. Oh, great! I mean I made it to school on time, but in all honesty I don't feel like getting beaten up before the bell even rings.

I try to push past them, "Oi faggot, watch out." Ryan says as he sticks his leg out making me trip over and fall flat on my face. Rad, second gravity test of the day passed. Gravity is still motherfucking working.

I sigh and try to push myself back up, but someone pushes me back down making me slam my face into the floor, again. I feel hot tears building up in my eyes. No, no, no. I cannot let the see me cry. I can deal with being called a "Faggot" because I am one, I mean I am gay and I hate the insulting name but I prefer it over being called a "Pussy", as I am not one.

I feel someone grabbing my arms and pulling the sleeves up. Plase, no. I hear a roar of laughter.

"Coward!" I hear Matt shout.

"Next time use something sharper." I hear Pete shout.

"Cut deeper!" Ryan.

"Eat a bottle of pills! You're a waste of space!" Brendon.

With every word I am kicked in the head, chest, stomach and someone even steps on my arm.

I feel hot sticky liquid pouring out of my nose, I can feel a million bruises forming on my body.

The words didn't hurt that much, it was nothing new to me. I knew all those things so they didn't affect me. It was the physical pain. You think I would get used to it by now. But no, it hurts like fuck each and every time. I just gave up trying to fight back, because I know it will be worse if I did.

After a few seconds of complete silence, I figure they have left me alone. I don't bother getting up, I'm just laying there, face down on the concrete. The bell, most likely, has rang ages ago.

I hear foot steps approaching me and I flinch at the sound. Oh no, they came back for more.

"You look a mess." I realise it's someone else. No shit Sherlock, it's not like I just gotten beaten up. Not at all.

"You don't say." I mumble and scramble to my feet. I straighten up and regret it instantly my back cracked horribly and even more pain shot up my spine. Fuck! Ow!

I look at the stranger, he has shoulder length black hair that is slightly greasy. His black skinny jeans and a black top really contrasting with his pale skin, giving him an almost dead kind of look.

"You good?" He raises one eye brow. Sheesh, he looks sexy. Frank get a grip on yourself! You don't even know him. But I nod as a reply to his question.

"Bullshit," I look at him suprised "stop lying to yourself. Those idiots just ganged up on you. Not that I care or anything" he trailed off. I feel my cheeks heating up.

"I'm going home, I can't stand being here today, especially looking like this." I point to my face as I can feel half of it is swollen and can barely see out of my right eye. I can still feel the blood dripping slowly from my nose.

"And I shall be joining you then."

He looks at me and gives me a side ways smile.

"Well, I'm, I'm. Well yeah my name is Frank, Frank Iero." I smile and flinch as even doing such a simple gesture hurt like fuck.

"Im Way, Gerard Way. Anyway you're in all my classes so I already knew your name as I always sit at the front of the class and you always sit at the very back. Anti-social much?" I look at him dumb struck. He winks at me and I feel my face heating up. God damn, I'm extra gay for this guy.


"Butts are for sex Frank and come on before the teachers find us and make us go through the school day."

Wait what?! Did he just admit he's gay or did he simply made a really inappropriate gay joke?

"Wait, are you gay?" I blab out before I can stop myself. I clap my hand to my mouth, shear terror painting itself across my face. Nice one Frankie. That's how you make new friends, just motherfucking well done.

"Haha, is it that obvious?"

I let out a sigh of relief, "I thought you would be one of those homophobic joks like Brendon and his gang, that's all."

He starts laughing. Aghhh he's so cute.

"Nah, I'm just mean, sassy and rude or I have been told. So I guess you're not the straightest nail in the fence."

"Unless you think a circle is straight, then no. I'm three sixty all way round." I chuckle at my really bad joke.

"Ha, Way!" I look at him absolutely confused when it hits me, fuck! His surname is Way. I face palm myself.

"Well come on, we need to get going. I only leave about fifteen minutes from school, I have and xBox and a shit loads of comics in my room."

"Oh no, Frank Iero is taking me to his bedroom. Who knows if I make it out of there alive?" He says and pretends to run away. Jesus he's a huge drama queen. But I catch up with him and make our way to my house.

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