Keep the Faith

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I'm sitting in my first class, maths and Gerard is not in school yet. I keep looking at the door and keep standing up to see if he magically appeared and now is sitting working on whatever the teacher set us to do.

"Mr. Iero, is there a problem?" I look up at my teacher dump struck and slowly sit back down on my chair.

"No, no, no. If you want all that attention on you then please you can stand at the very front over at this desk here" he proceeds to point to the desk in the front left corner of the class, where everyone can see you.

"Um no Sir, I just, just. I, well i can't see from the back and I'm just trying to get on with my work." I hope i covered up for myself pretty well. As red as a tomato I look at the teacher who is also looking very uncomfortable.

"Ha! Midget!" and i brought myself new trouble with this excuse. I turn my head side ways and see Ryan looking straight at me, his eyes mocking me.

"That's enough Mr. Ross." wow that's all the professor tells him? I got in trouble for standing up. What has the world come to?

"Well Frank, why don't you sit here" he points to the empty seat next to Gerard's empty seat.

"Ooooo Frankie will be able to sit next to his boyfriend."

I hear Ryan's mocking tone ring in my ears. I quickly grab my things and rush to the seat.

What did he say? What if he knows? Oh God. This is bad.

Good thirty minutes into the class and we all hear a small knock at the door. Knock, knock, knock. The class goes completely silent, eyes turned to the door.

"Come on in!" everyone jumped and heads quickly flicked to the teacher and back to the door. Who is brave enough to disturb this class? Especially as we have the strictest teacher in the whole school.

The door slowly creeks open and a mess of black hair emerges from behind. Gerard! He swiftly walks to his seat and gives me a puzzled look.

"Well good morning to you too Mr. Way. I am glad you decided to show up today."

Gerard just simply smiles at him and nods "Good morning, sir. Yes I decided to show up as I have nothing better to do in my life. Just like the rest of this class and school. Thank you."

He proceeds to sit down. The teacher is once again left wordless. I'm starting to think all the things I heard about him being strict seem like a lot of bullshit.

I'm trying to catch Gerard's attention and ask him why he's this late, but the guy is either ignoring me or, well ignoring me. I turn back to the doodles I've been drawing and keep doodling.

"Gerard Way. First you turn up to my class thirty minutes late and now you have the nerve to draw in my class? I hope you realise this is Maths not some Art class"

I look up startled, Gerard just looks at me and swiftly hides his drawing with his arms.

"Well Mr. Gryffin, I do realise this is a maths class indeed. But you see I was busy doing this drawing before my mother made me come to this hell, called school. So I am very sorry, but I'm not even disturbing your class in any way shape or form. And also to your concern I didn't know eight times eight is seventy two."

He looks back down and then looks at me. A faint smile playing across his lips, I look away and feel myself going pink.

He is so cute and adorable. I wonder what he is drawing though. Seemed important if he talked like that to a teacher, well he did say he was like that. I feel a nudge to my arm. I ignore it thinking he accidentally did it when doing whatever he is doing now. Then i feel it again.

"What?" i turn to him and whisper. He just looks at me and slips me a piece of paper on to my book. I look up to see if the teacher isn't looking and quickly open the note.

Can i come over today? I need to tell you something. Gee

I simply nod to this.

What annoys me the most though is that he is acting normal to me. Well it annoys me because I feel ignored as he didn't reply to my message I sent him. And i feel kind of hurt as well because of that.

I decide to just get on with my day.

It went pretty fast and boring, at lunch I saw Ray and Mikey sitting together. I wanted to join but didn't want to disturb them, Gerard was no where to be seen. And I've been called 'Faggot' at least ten times, each time walking to the next class. I just can't wait until last class and then I'll see Gerard and ask him what's going on.

My luck decides to leave me the last class it seems. As I'm sitting alone in the class room waiting for every one to file in, Ryan Ross comes into my class and straight to me.

"Listen Frank, I'm sorry dude. Just for how I behaved towards you, all the time"

I, did I hear right? Is he saying sorry to me? To me? It seems like luck left me completely.

"I don't know what to say." I'm staring at him blankly.

"Nothing at all, and also I'm sorry for that black eye and what i said to you yesterday. Listen please don't do what me and the rest of the guys told you to do. I know I'm sorry is not enough and you don't have to accept this but yeah. That's it, thanks." he turns around and leaves.

I am dumbstruck once again. What did just happen?

Returning my thoughts to the class, oh I have been zoned out for a long time we're good ten minutes into the class now. I wait for the end and to hear what Gerard needs to tell me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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