Chapter 3 - The Doctor and Clara Oswald

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The Doctor and Clara came out of the room what was the heart of the house and into a small corridor. Suddenly, there was a loud thud. This action made both of them jump. "What was that?" Clara asked. Then there were two more thuds above them. This made both of them look up. They both looked down and around themselves. There was suddenly a gush of wind which made the candles Clara was holding, blow out. Both of them gasp and look at the unlit candles. The Doctor and Clara slowly look at each other in fear. They both started to get colder for some odd reason. The Doctor looked at the window next to them and noticed it was starting to freeze up. Then there were three more thudding sounds coming around them. The Doctor turned in a three sixty circle to follow the notices. "Okay. What is that?" Clara asked, fear evident in her voice. "It uh..." The Doctor said and leaned on the wall "'s a very loud noice. It's a very loud, very angry noise". "What's making it?" Clara asked. "I don't know" The Doctor replied "Are you making it?". Then there was more thudding making the Doctor yelp a bit and more next to Clara. "Doctor?" Clara said. "Yes" The Doctor replied. "I may be a teeny tiny bit terrified" Clara said. "Yes?" The Doctor said. "But I'm still a grown up" Clara continued. "Mainly. Yes, and..." The Doctor said and started smiling. "There's no need to actually hold my hand" Clara finished. The Doctor suddenly stopped smiling and looked at his hands. "Clara?" The Doctor said. "Yes?" Clara replied. The Doctor shook his hands in front of his face. "I'm not holding your hand" They both then turned around to see a creature appear when lighting crackled. They both screamed and ran down the stairs. When they got down stairs, they saw Alec and Emma looking at a spinning black circle. "Oh!" The Doctor exclaimed. "Has this happened before?" The Doctor asked, pointing his sonic screwdriver at it. "Never" Alec replied. The Doctor started to scan it but it wasn't working so the Doctor turned to Alec. "Ah camera" The Doctor said but Alec remain frozen "Camera!". The Doctor took the camera out of his hands and started to take pictures of the spinning black circle. Then it started to crack and glow white. This startled Emma because in front of her, a Forrest appeared. Then a white glow of a woman appeared, wailing. Clara noticed this and looked at it. "Doctor!" Clara yelled. The Doctor turned around and started to take pictures of the woman. The woman then started screaming. "Help me!" The woman shouted before she and the Forrest vanished. Emma then collapsed into Alec's arms. Then there was a crash making Clara turn around. "Doctor" Clara said. The other three turned around to see the wall engraved with 'HELP ME' on it. The Doctor touched it but it soon vanished. The Doctor turned around to see the spinning black circle disappear. However then below the stairs of the Doctor, appeared a white swirling ball of energy. "Camera!" The Doctor demanded. Clara threw the Camera to the Doctor who caught it. The Doctor was about to take a picture of it but instead he fell over and it started to pull him in. "Doctor!" Clara shouted and she and Alec ran over to him. The two of them tried to pull him away but instead it started pulling in Clara's as well as Alec lost his grip on the Doctor and fell onto his back. This caused the Doctor and Clara to be pulled into the bright light which closed behind them. Alec got up and Emma rushes to his side. "What just happened?" Emma asked "Where did they go?"

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