Chapter 1

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The art above is mine. Please dont steal, trace, or claim it as yours. I will throw walnuts at you!))

It was a nice, fresh, monday morning. it was around 8;:39 A.M, and everyone was asleep. Well, everyone but Edd. he was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for everyone. shortly after the food was made Tord woke up to the smell of bacon. Tord sat down at the table, and he started to dig into his food.
"How is it sharing a room with Tom?" asked Edd with a slight smirk. Tord shot a small glare at him. since Tord has recently moved in, he started to share a room with his friend/ememy. 
"It's fine, thank you for asking..." he asnwered blankly. he got back to eating. Edd simply chuckled, and started to eat his food too. they both heard footsteps coming down the hall, and they were greeted by there friend, Tom. His hair was a mess, and his eyes looked like death. He looked like a zombie! his hair was a mess, and he had his usuak pajamas. an asdf t-shirt, and checkered sweat pants. He walked over to the table, and he started to eat. "Oi Thomas, how did you sleep last night?" asked Tord with a smirk. Tom ignored him.
*mini time skip*
Everyone was in the living room watching "The children", and they hear footsteps upstairs.
"looks like Edds Prince charming is awake." said Tom as he drank from his flask. Edds cheeks turned pink.
"He's not my prince." he said to himself. Tom and Tord knew about Edds crush with Matt. They try to tell Matt, but Matt dosent seem to get it procced through his head.

Hello! Sorry for the short chapter. this is just the beginning, and I'll continue it when i get some feedback from you guys. don't be shy to share your thoughts! if you liked tis so far, please tell me! thank you!!!))

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