Chapter 6

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Tom and Tord shared the same expression. They were both shocked, and happy for them Tord knew how much Edd liked Matt.
Edd took his seat at the table, and Matt followed. They sat by eachother, and ate there food.
"So, when's the wedding?" Tom mumbled a bit as he took a swig from his flask at fucking 7 or so in the morning.
Matt blushed and choked a bit on his food, quickly reaching across the table to grab his glass of water. Edd gasped and quickly went over to see what was wrong, patting his now boyfriends back.
He glared over at Tom and squinted his eyes at him. Tom only chuckled, only to be hit in the back if the head by Tord who shoved past him to get some bacon on his plate.
"What!" >:O Tom crossed his arms and sat down at the table, crossing his arms after shoving his flask in his pocket.
Matt looked over at edd and blushed from how protective he was being! He smiled and placed his hand on his, rubbing the back of it with his thumb.
Edd snapped out of his gaze and quickly looked at Matt, blushing a but. He smiled and looked up at him. "Are you ok?" He quickly changed from an angry small dog to a caring softy marshmallow. Matt nodded and rested his head on top of his, smiling.
"I'm fine, thank you!~" he chuckled and slid his hand up and down his arm, earning a huge blush from Edd. Tom, from across the table, laughed slightly and tord did as well.

Hi! Sorry for dying for a long ass time but hey! I'm here submitting a chapter when I'm supposed to be sleeping!//

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