I'm Awsome

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"I'm over in this cave by the house, Pat. You wouldn't believe how many diamonds there are!"

"Really?! I'm on my way!"

"Watch out for mobs!"

"I got my Diamond Sword! I'll be fine!"

I smiled as I continued mining. I also managed to find some Redstone, as well.

There was nothing better than sitting at your Xbox and playing Minecraft with your friend. Especially if it's a friend you don't really see in person very often.

"Hey, are you sure it's the one by the house?" She asked in a confused tone.

"Yes," I said with a smirk. "Why?"

"Because all I see in here is... AHHHH!"


I did my best to hold back my laughing.

"You jerk!" She yelled. "That was a lava trap!"

"Whaaat? Nooo," I said in my most sarcastic voice.

"Well, the joke's on you; I had your enchanted bow!"



"Well, that'll teach me, I suppose," I said with a chuckle.

"What?" I heard her ask. I assumed it was to her mom.

"Okay! Hey, I gotta go now."

"Alright. Talk to ya later!"

"Alright! See ya, Awsome!"

She then left the game. Since it was our shared world, I left, as well.

It was nice playing Minecraft every once in a while, especially with PatVader. She was one of the few online friends I had that I knew in person. But she lives an hour away, so I couldn't really see her often.

I looked at the clock and saw it was 11:30 at night. It was a Friday night, so it's not like I had anything planned tomorrow. And yet, I was insanely tired.

So I got changed into my pajamas, lightly brushed my teeth (without toothpaste), and laid in bed. As I slowly drifted off, I began planning in my head what I would play tomorrow.

Maybe I could start a new family in The Sims. Or I could replay the Batman: Arkham series. Heck, I could get back into Just Dance; I could use the exercise. Whatever I did, I just knew it would be amazing.

Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself; my real name isn't important, but I go by the screen name Awsome2464. Don't ask how I came up with that name; it just came to me.

I may only be 17, but I actually look a lot younger than most people think. I wear small glasses and I have spiky blonde hair. The biggest thing you should know about me is the fact I LOVE the color blue. Specifically light blue. Again, don't ask why; I just do.

I've been hooked on video games since I was little. I still have my father's Sega Genesis from when HE was a kid! It's safe to say that was my first experience with video games.

From there, I progressed to the Nintendo 64, the Play Station 2, and finally the Xbox360. I've had many handheld systems along the way, such as the Game Boy and Nintendo DS.

It's safe to say video games are a huge part of my life. My parents don't understand my obsession. Truth be told, neither do I. Not fully, anyway!

As I drifted off to sleep, I could imagine just how amazing it would be if I could just live in video games. Little did I know that that thought would become reality.

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