Chapter 3: powers revealed

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A few days later after they met, they where talking.

"Guys I'm really happy I met you guys," Kiara said.

"Us too," everyone else said at the exact same time.

"Class we will be going to the water world," Mrs Lila stated excitedly.

"But, Mrs Lila, how will we breathe underwater," Jackie asked confused.

"Well, we will be eating the magical kelp that lets people breathe undetwater," Mrs Lila answered. 'Aqua gulps'

"Psst, Aqua wants wrong," Rose whispered. "I don't need too eat it and I, hate the taste," Aqua whispered back.

"Don't worry, Aqua, I know a srinking spell," Lucky stated. "Mrs Lila when are we leaving," Darin asked. "Well, we will leave friday," She answered.

~~~~Time skip to Friday~~~~~
After a three and a half hour carriage ride they got to the beach were they were going to enter the underwater kingdom of Aquarius. (I'm saying they named it because Aquarius is the water beaer) "Now every eat your kelp," Mrs.Lila exclaimed while handing everyone a peice of the kelp. "Okay,'pretends to start to eat' what's over there! 'Points', Aqua stated.

"Here Lucky," Aqua said while handing Lucky her peice of kelp. Lucky srinks it then tosses it.

"Aqua, I didn't see anything," Mr Lila stated confused. "Well it looks like it disappeared, I guess," Aqua stated nervously while rubbing the back of her head. With a huge sweat drop on the back of her head.

Everyone dived into the water after eating their kelp.

"Wow, I have never see anything so beautiful," Rose exclaimed.

"Wow, class look a mermaid," Their teacher stated.

"I never thought that mermaids had wings," Mina stated. The mermaid said," well all mermaids have wings, but when a mermaid turns 17 their wings become bigger and more colorful." "Aqu...," She tried to say Aqua how are you, but Aqua put her hands over her mouth.

"Mrs Lila I want to ask her a few questions alone please," Aqua asked nervously. 

"Well of course you can Aqua the rest of the class will be checking out their buildings just come to the coral heart when you are done,"Mrs Lila said.

"Okay ma'ma." She said. Aqua started to talk with Mira," Mira you can't let these people know that you know me," Aqua kinda shouted at her.

"Alright, calm down," Mira stated. "But why?" Mira asked her friend with a frown.

"Because they don't know that I'm a hybrid." Aqua answered. Mira nodded.

~~~Time skip to when they are getting out of the water~~~

"Alright everyone you are able to explore the island," the teacher stated.

Mina and Lia went up on a ledge. (Ahhh) Hears the scream and runs. Rose and Kiara see a dark figure attacking the ledge and Mina and Lia go unconscious. The dark figure disappeares. Kiara and Rose start to transform. Rose has on a red dress that looks like there are scales going arcoss it, red short heels and red dragon wings. Her hair looks like the tips are white. Kiara has pastel pink and blue in her white hair, a pink dress with white, pastel blue heels and white feathery wings. They fly up and catch them.

~~~time skip~~~

The girls wake up.

"Mina, Lia are you 2 okay," Kiara and Rose both asked scared. "I remember a man with a black coat on attack the ledge and then going unconscious," Lia answered.

~~~time skip~~~
Everyone goes home.

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