Caphter 6: Fight

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"Hey, Layla let's have a fight to train you and me," Aqua asked a little excitedly.

"That seems like an ok idea," Layla answered leaning her head in her hand. " When,  should I know this," Layla asked.

"Uh... Maybe after school," Aqua answeared with an smile her head to the side.

"Ok then, we'll fight after schools out," Layla stated with a smile looking in Aqua's eyes.
*After school*

"Man that felt like it was going on forever." Aqua moaned While looking glumbly at the floor. She perked up right after.

"So let's go to the field so we can have our little fight to see how strong we are." Aqua said with a big toothy grin. *Aqua is acting a little contradictory today,* Layla thought while shaking her head.
They arrived they both were shocked to see Rose, Kiara, Lucky, and Darin waiting.

"Took you guys long enough," Kiara said while pointing her finger at them both.

"What, why are you'll guys here," Layla asked shocked.

"We over heard you guys," Rose stated calmly with her hands behind her head. "Think, we were gonna miss this?" They started the fight. Aqua made a gezier right below Layla. Layla jumped and transformed she flew out of the way of the blast.

"That was extremely close," Layla said looking at where she was just a few seconds ago. She created a little tornado and sent it at Aqua. Aqua used a little wave of water to knock it away. So Layla sent a bigger tornado to knock her off her balance. She grabbed on to Aqua and threw her on to the ground.

"You wanta quit?" she asked smugly. "You only won because you caught me off guard," she denyed that fact she lost. "Don't be a sore loser," Layla taunted. "I wasn't being a sore loser!" Aqua screamed at Layla. "I was juat saying you caught me off guard, that's all," she pouted.

"Let's go review our fight to see our weak points," I suggested. We headed off to my house to review our fight. Aqua's weakest point was fighting on land. Mine was that I had to doge and keep my spells going. This is going to be so hard to beat the Dark King. I sighed.
Aquas weakest points are that she isn't really fast on land and that she needs to control her speed better.
Layla's wind isn't the strongest. We walked back to our homes.

Luckys POV
I decided to read a book on magic. There are multiple different parts to magic. Strong emotions can cause powerful spells.

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