Chapter 5: The Training Begins

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Lucky and Darin have explained what happened to them 2 years ago and who the Dark King is and how they had met Princess Rose and became freinds.

"But, if we are going to beat the Dark King, won't we need to get stronger," Layla asked while placing her hand on her chin pondering how strong the Dark king is. "Precisely," Darin said while crossing his arms. Looking down at the ground in thought. Lucky waved her hand in his face. No response.

In Darins thoughts. *We are going to have to train hard, really hard if we are going to defeat The Dark King Michael *
His thoughts were interrupted when he felt something hit him in the head. "Ow, what the," Darin stated to scream until he saw that it was Lucky samcking him on the head. He crossed his arms and glared at her. "What was that for," he asked hands still crossed but he turned away from his sister after asking the question. "You were lost in thought," Lucky answered while stepping infront of her brother.
"Darin," Kiara started," what were you thinking about," she asked having a quizzical look on her face. "What, oh yeah I was thinking that if we want to deafeat the Dark King, we will have to train hard with our magic," Darin answered while rubbing the back of his neck.

20 Minutes later.
They got back to the school and instead of heading home they all gathered in a field behind the school.

"So how are we going to train Darin," Layla asked while looking at the scene. It was a long field with flowers growing randomly around and a few trees grew. "Easy, we are going to," Darin began before he was inturputed by his sister,"We are going to be using our abilities to their maximum potential, and try to increase the limit we have on it," Lucky finished. Darin shot her a quick glare as to say really did you have to do this. Lucky just sent him a face that said I felt like I had to so whatever. Darin stoped his glare as he knew it wouldn't do anything.

"So everyone let's transform," Aqua said while putting her hands together. They all used their magic to transform. Aqua had a scaly top and scaly jeans and little webbed wings.

"Aqua, I didn't know that you would have a form without a tail," Layla asked astonished.
"Layla!" Aqua yelled a little at her a little annoyed. "Of course I can have a land form, sesh," Aqua said a little ticked off.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know that you had a land form," Layla said while sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck.

Layla's transformation she has a pink dress oh with designs of flowers and butterflys pink heels and beautiful butterfly wings that are blue with accents of black and orange.
*time skip to when they have all transformed*

"Now then lets have Aqua create a gizer," Lucky said while pointing to a spot on the ground," there," she said

"Lucky how will I be able to I don't know where the water is under there," Auqa said giving Lucky a confused look
"Just try to feel the water," Lucky said

"Alright," Aqua said while placing her hand on the ground. "Gizer!" Aqua screamed and when see did a gaint piller of water rose from the dround then went back under ground.

"Wow," Aqua exclaimed looking socked.

Kiara used her earth magic to seal up the hole in the ground.
"That was awesome," Layla said astonished.

"Hey, let's have a flying race," Darin said while everyone was looking at him. "Alright," Lucky said.
"How will you fly with no wings?" Layla asked Drain. Darin just said, "look."
Darin throws down his shield and it growns in size and starts to levitate. He hops on and a handle comes out of it.

"Ready? Guys." Darin aaked everyone while having a grin on his face.

They stated the race and were off.
Rose was in the lead but Kiara was right behind her.
And Rose crossed the finish line first by a hair.
Kiara came in second place, Layla and Lucky tied for thrid place, Darin was just a hair behind both, and Aqua came last.

"Aw, man I was the slowest of us all," Aqua said disappointed with a pout on her face. "It's probably because my wings are fast under water, but slow in the air," Aqua let out.

"Oh, but in 10 months my wings will be big and faster in the air, so I guess that I will have to wait," Aqua let out excitedly

They trained hard for a few weeks after that.

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