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*Skipped to The Wedding*
So before the Wedding Vickie got a new Wedding Planner in (Alicia Fox) and little did we all know things are gonna go down hill for Edge and Vickie because all along Triple H had something to show everyone but not yet, he's waiting for the right time yet.
I knew that Triple H was gonna grass me up but I didn't know that The Wedding Planner (Alicia) was behind something also, at the end of the day I'm not proud of sleeping besides him on a sofa but as I'm about to find out, what I did with Edge was nowhere as worse as what Alicia did with him, things are not going to be good.
So Edge and Vickie married and Can I say that this was more disgusting than the Engagement? Maybe yes but everyone else is just as board and disgusted as I was, oh my God.
So yeah Triple H came out and grassed me and Edge up and Vickie wasn't half as mad at him until The Alicia and Edge clip came up, yeah the took the piss out of Vickie being over weight but the moment we all saw the clip of Alicia and Edge kissing Alicia was so ashamed but Vickie lashed out at Edge and she was lashing out like never before.
~Backstage that night~
I was backstage with Alicia talking to her about what had just went down on the wedding day.
Me: "Vickie is going to go crazy, what have we done?"
Alicia: "We? We? You are the one who started this all"
Me: "Oh My God, what I did with Edge was nowhere near as bad as what you did with him"
Alicia: "Yeah but what you did could've gotten more out of hand than what I did, I mean for all everyone else knows you could've done more than sleep on the couch besides him, you could've had sex for all everyone knows!"
Then Vickie comes storming into the room we were in, she slams the door and then starts screaming at the two of us.
Vickie: "YOU BOTH ARE SO STUPID AND WORTHLESS! I told you both to get a job done tonight and not one of you could do a job properly tonight, You both are JUST AS BAD AS HE IS! Do you both understand that? DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!?"
Alicia: "Yes Vickie"
Me: "Yes Vickie"
So Vickie let Alicia go and just as I was about to go she pulled me aside to threaten me.
Vickie: "What you did could've been as bad as what Alicia done but your very lucky that I'm not going to fire you, one more move on my Husband and you are fired, you get that?"
(I nodded)
Vickie: "You are my Apprentice for a reason, I gave you more than what you wanted, DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!"
Me: "Yes Vickie"
I was let out and she slammed the door then I told Tessa everything, of course she saw the Wedding tonight but I told her about what happened afterwards and this is what she said....
Tessa: "You have got to stand your ground with her, you can't let her win, be a WWE Diva, you don't have to be her stupid Apprentice anyway, you can do this Krystal, I believe in you"
So that's what I'm going to do next week, I'm not going to be fired, I'm gonna quit before she can fire me, I'm sick of the bullshit and the shouting and her throwing her weight around thinking she owns the place because she's the Smackdown GM, her reign of terror as I can promise everyone will be over.

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