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Myself and Adam (Edge) went to have drinks and we were talking about the whole Vickie Guerrero situation and I need to know exactly what the truth is, I know we both know the truth already and people are just stairring it because they are jealous but you'll never know.
Edge: "Are you ok?"
Me: "I'm fine, what about you?"
Edge: "Doing great"
Me: "Good"
So we ordered beer and we were talking about the whole situation from now...
Edge: "Look, I really do not have feelings for Vickie in real life I mean, oh my God"
Me: "I know what you mean"
Edge: "Everytime I was in a storyline with her kissing her, I don't know, don't take this the wrong way but I felt like I wanted to throw up"
Me: "Why do you think I would take that the wrong way? It's not me your talking about and hey I agree with you, I probably would hurl too"
Edge: "I'm glad that you understand, no one knows what that felt like and everyone through I genuinely loved her, but it was not going to happen"
Me: "Well you cheated on her and she cheated on you so I think it's definitely called quits now"
Edge: "Yeah I agree completely"
Me: "Well from the start of the whole thing I really had feelings for you but kept quiet about it because I didn't know weather I was going to get fired or even be accused of sleeping to the top"
Edge: "I understand that, but I kinda liked you too, ok I'm lucky I got you now and the reason I was quiet was because I didn't want to be fired either, you are like me, you want to leave on your own terms"
Me: "Exactly, yeah"
I'm glad that he was understanding about it, he wanted to know why I didn't say anything about my feelings earlier and that's why I never mentioned anything earlier but now I know the truth behind Edge not saying a thing either and his real honest opinion on Vickie and now I feel secure knowing this.

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