Incorrect Quotes 11

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Holy Chicken Pastrami Sandwitch!
This got 2k reads!

That's another Milestone right there. (Or whatever you wanna call it)

Sorry for not updating for a while.
I wanted to do it, but these are getting harder and harder to find.

But yeah, here's another chapter for you guys.

Waiter: What can i get for you?

Daniel: A milkshake with 2 straws.

Hosuh: Um Daniel...

Daniel [With both straws in his mouth]: Look how fast I can drink it now!

Daniel: Who ate all the cookies?

Stephen: Ninjas.

Daniel: I didn't see any.

Stephen: No one ever does...

Daniel [Texting]: Answer your phone.

Stephen [Texting]: Wait a minute, I can't find my phone.

Daniel [Texting]: Okay.

Daniel [Texting, 5 minuts later]: You're a terrible person.

Daniel: Hey Stephen, are you awake?

Stephen: No.

Daniel: If a guinea pig and a normal pig had a baby, would it be called a piggy-er guinea pig?

Stephen: Why does this only happen to me?

Stephen [At the air port]: Hosuh, are you here?

Hosuh: *Raises hamd*

Stephen: Didn't recognize you with the hoodie on.

Stephen: Daniel, you here too?

Daniel: *Raises hand*

Stephen: Didn't recognize you with your mouth shut.

Hosuh: What time is it?

Daniel: I don't know, pass me the flute.

Daniel: *Blows flute loudly*

Stephen [From another room]: WHO THE FUCK IS PLAYING THE FLUTE AT 2 AM?!

Daniel: It's 2 AM.

Stephen: *Trips and falls on the ground*

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