Incorrect Quotes 12

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Sorry for not updating in a while.
I'm ditching my friends to write this chapter, lol.

So here ya go.

Hosuh: If i were a drink, I'd be a Vanilla Coke. What about you?

Stephen: Bleach.

Jay: Sewage.

Daniel: Okay, calm down edgelords.

Daniel: Being cute is really tiring.

Stephen: That's probably why Hosuh's still asleep.

Stephen [During the mafia]: Alright gang! Looks like we have another-

Jay [Not that Jay, the mafia Jay]: -Mystery to solve! Hah, we're such soulmates, we finish each other's sentences.

Stephen: Come on. Lets-

Everyone: Split up and look for clues?

Hosuh: I guess we're all soulmates.

Daniel: Hey, how's the most handsome Guy in the world doing?

Stephen [Without looking up from his Phone]: I don't know, how are you?

Daniel [Voice cracking]: I'm fine.

Hosuh: You have no idea what i can do to you.

Stephen: Don't take it personalet, but I feel like I'm being threatened by a cupcake.

Stephen [Talking to the stairs he's been agressively climbing for 30 minutes]: Oh! You think youre soo much smarte than me?! Well suck a dick, come at me!

Hosuh: Should we try to calm him down?

Daniel: Maybe... Nope

Daniel: Hey, Stephen! Those stairs said you look fat in those pants!

Daniel: What do you call sabotage and vandalism?

Stephen: A hobby.


Hosuh: ...That we do not engage in.

Daniel [Playing scrabble]: I will put down my A to make "A".

Hosuh: I will add T to your A to make "AT".

Jay: I will add an R to make "RAT".

Stephen: I will add into your RAT to make "BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC".

Daniel: *Flips the table*

Stephen: Raise your hand If you like me.

Daniel: What do I do If i don't like you?

Stephen: Then fucking raise your standards, bitch tf.

Stephen: Sorry I'm late.

Hosuh: Oh no, did something happen?

Stephen: No, I just really didn't want to come.

Daniel: Hosuh, that toy says "For ages 5 and up"...

Hosuh: Yeah, I'm a part of the "Up".

Stephen: I have no fears.

Hosuh: What If you woke up one day and Daniel was taller than you?

Stephen: I have one fear.

Daniel: What language do they speak at the core of the earth?

Daniel: Core-ean.

Stephen: The center of the world is around 5430 degrees. No one is living There, so they don't need a language.


Hosuh [Cracking up]: Core-ean.

Daniel: Can you pass me the salt?

Stephen: Can you pass your classes?


Daniel: Too much salt.

Hosuh: Here's a list of things that are wrong with you.

Daniel: There's nothing on it?

Hosuh: I know, have a hug.


This has a lot of reads by now andfkwpw
Whoa wwhat?

In all honesty, thanks for all the views, I really appreciate it.
I also really like seeing what you comment and replying back it'sfdwrtia.

This is getting cheesy lol.

The Quotes are getting really Hard to find now, since I've made so many so um... I don't really have a point...

And also, Jay might be joining for more videos which Is frickin-

I'll update again soon :P


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