Incorrect Quotes 30

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Daniel: So what's it like to have Jay back on the team?

Stephen: *Flashback from this morning*

Jay: Kiss my ass Stephen!

Stephen: Suck my dick Jay!

Jay: Ha! Jokes on you, I'm allergic to shrimp!

Stephen: *Tackles Jay*

Stephen: You should't be using a straw.

Daniel: Yeah, I know it's bad for the environmoent or whatever.

Stephen: No, it's just a weird way to eat a tangerine.

Daniel: This maze looks pretty dangerous, we should hold hands to stay safe.

Stephen: We're in a fucking Walmart.

Joe: *Pretends to stretch arms*

Joe: *Puts arms around Hosuh's shoulder*


Daniel: *Glances at Stephen*

Daniel: *Pretends to be stretching too*

Daniel: *Whacks Stephen in the face, on accident*

Jay: Can you move? You're blocking the view.

Stephen: I am the view.

Daniel: That's the Tea.

Daniel: *Sips coffee*

Jay: You are a disgrace.

Hosuh: Any other conspiracy theories?

Joe [Leaning forward, visually upset]: Yeah, did you know that Gogurt is just yogurt?

Hosuh: Today I'm gonna teach you how to face your fears. Now the first step to facing your fears is-

Toaster: *Pops*

Hosuh: *Screams*

Daniel: Hey Stephen.

Stephen: Yeah?

Daniel: Breathe If you love me.




Daniel: Stephen, you're turning blue.

Daniel: Hosuh, what is love?

Stephen: Hosuh.

Joe: Hosuh.

Hosuh: U-um... A feeling-

Jay: Ew feelings, I wish I didn't have those disgusting things.

Stephen: There are many ways to live Daniel.

Also Stephen: You don't.


Stephen: Shit.

Stephen: It's very quiet here.

Stephen: Someones knocking on the door.


Stephen [Sings]: LOVE ME LIKE YOU DO!

Stephen [Opens door]: LOVE ME LI-

Daniel: Hey Stephen.

Stephen: *Slams door*

Daniel: Stephen! Stephen! Look at what I made!

Daniel: *Proudly shows off project*

Stephen: A mess.

Daniel: Some people are like:

Stephen [Sneezes]: I'm DYING!!

Daniel: And some are:

Jay [Coughs up blood]: I'm okay-

Stephen: *Wearing a creepy Ronald McDonald mask and holding a bloddy knife*

Daniel: What are you doing..?

Stephen: Time to McFuck up some sleep schedules.

And I oop-

Sorry for that, but here you go!
I just hit 100 followers and 8 more have followed me since then WHAT THE FUUUUUUUuudge?

Thank you guys so much! It really means a lot!

Here are the beautiful human beings (I assume, sorry If you're from Area 51) that helped me out:

Thanks a lot!
Now have a wonderful day/night/whatever time of the day it is at your timezone!


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