Prologue: Three souls

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"C-mon Yap!" shouted Ink. Ink the skeleton, sworn protector of the AUs, stood upon a hill, along with three other figures. Dream, a skeleton wearing bright clothing, and holding a spear made of pale blue light. Yapasans, a skeletal duck with bright blue bones floating around it. And the final, a human with sand particles floating around them. The human appeared to be the only one who didn't look horrified. In the distance, Ink could see a giant figure smashing a village. The sky was blood red, and the ground was slowly shifting. This was the second AU that Yafrelus had invaded.

"I'm ready," said Yapasans, with the most serious look a duck can manage.

"Ready your soul blast, Civeden," said Dream. The human, whose name was apparently Civeden, nodded. He summoned his soul (which looked like a green and purple heart), and did several complicated hand motions. The bottom tip of the heart broke into four pieces, and each formed into tiny spears.

"Blast mode activated," he said. In the distance Ink heard a scream of pain. Dream winced.

"Okay guys, remember the plan," said Ink. "Subdue Yafrelus long enough to put these charms on them." Ink held up an ornate golden heart necklace. "These were based off the plans of Jevil, and forged by the master smith Malius. If at least three of these gets onto them, we can successfully trap their souls into them. Then, we can capture them, and end their reign of terror. Figure out which one actually contains Yafrelus (Darn Jevil), and destroy the rest. Then, we hide the last one in the void." Everyone nodded, and they started running down the hill, while Yap thought about how long that plan had been. When they got to the bottom, Yafrelus had already noticed them. They started to charge, And let out a horrible shout.

"AARRGHH!!!!" As always, their voice sounded like many people speaking at once. Somehow, despite being a fusion of three humans, they were actually less intelligent. They had four arms, and were about fifteen feet tall. Eventually Yafrelus got within a hundred yards of them. At that point Civeden shot his soul blast. To fuel his blast he had to rely on his soul. If he shot enough, he would die. But everyone here, was prepared for that. On the plus side, the blast was capable of destroying an AU. it was a testament to the true power of a soul. Somehow Yafrelus was stronger than an AU, and while the blast appeared to have wounded them (they were bleeding in many places), they still ran towards the group. Ink summoned his paintbrush, and drew a bomb. He threw it at Yafrelus, and it exploded. The Device hadn't actually hurt Yafrelus, but it had stunned them. Yapadoodle summoned even more bones, and Civeden formed the sand particles into a sword. In a couple seconds, they had reached Yafrelus. Ink drew a sword, and rammed it into Yafrelus's foot.

"OWW!! YOU LITTLE BRAT!" Yafrelus manipulated the ground into hitting Ink up into the air, where they grabbed him. They were going to squish him, when Dream's spear hit Yafrelus. Attached to the spear was the heart locket. The charm quickly dissolved into their skin. They let out a scream of pain, and dropped Ink.

"Two more!" shouted Yap. Then, Yafrelus raised their arm, and hit the ground where Yapasans was standing.

"NOOOOOO!!!" shouted Dream. When Yafrelus lifted up their arm, all that was left of Yap was a pile of dust. Yafrelus seemed to have simply absorbed Yap.

"You monster," said Ink. He drank a rage vial. "YOU MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ink, now fueled by pure anger, ran up to Yafrelus, and shoved the charm onto him. It quickly dissolved into his skin.

"Wait why didn't you do that in the first place?" asked Civeden. The soul blast had taken a lot out of him, and Ink could easily see, that he was missing an eye. Then, Yafrelus hit Ink, crushing several of his bones. "Well, you're a horrible person." Said Civeden.

"UURGHH... WHY WON'T YOU JUST DIE?!?!?!" exclaimed Yafrelus. A tear rolled down their cheek.

"Hmm... Didn't think you actually cared enough to cry."

"Civeden!" Ink croaked. Yafrelus made the ground around Civeden reform into the shape of a person. The earth thing started to attack. "Darn it Civeden, just get the charm on him!" Shouted Ink.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" said Yafrelus. They pushed down harder, causing Ink to scream in pain.

"Okay, but I must admit, it was fun to watch you suffer." Civeden smiled, and summoned his soul. It was still in blast mode, and he shot the earth thing with it. The blast easily obliterated it, but when it reached Yafrelus, it barely did anything. Soul blasts were strange things. They would destroy almost any solid object, but when it came to something with a soul... It was almost like the souls didn't want to hurt each other.

"TWO CAN PLAY AT THAT GAME!" Yafrelus summoned their own soul (Which looked like three souls stuck together with rainbow glue), and readied a soul blast. For the first time, Civeden frowned.

"Why..." He turned his soul green, and manipulated his sand into a shield. "I'm going to die aren't I?"

"YES." Yafrelus shot their soul blast. What happened next was too fast for Ink to comprehend. Civeden moved his shield forward, and Ink could vaguely see that Civeden had switched to blast mode as well.

"What?" Said Ink. Civeden threw the charm in front of him just as he blasted. He dissolved the shield, and the force of the blast propelled the charm though Yafrelus' attack. But how? Thought Ink. Then, he realised. Soul blasts used ten percent of soul, but you could increase that amount. Civeden was using all of his soul! Well, the forty percent that was left of it. The charm got moved through the blast, until it was touching Yafrelus.

"AAA UGHHHH!" they screamed as one part of Yafrelus was sucked into the charm.

Civeden panted and dropped to the ground. "Civeden!" Dream yelled as he ran over to the unconscious human. "No... No...!" Civeden was fading to dust.

"Ink... ." Said Civeden. A couple seconds later, Civeden was gone. Dream walked over to Ink. He stared at Civeden's body... or where he used to be.

"Well, on the bright side, we did what needed to." He said. "Civedens charm is glowing, So we know that we can destroy that. I already did it." Ink looked up. "I'm.... I'm sorry. But we need to move on."

"And do what?" sighed Ink. "All but two of the star Sanses are dead. You and me alone can't protect the multiverse," he spoke with no hope left in his voice.

"But others can. Earlier today, you spoke with me about retiring. I thought it was the most stupid thing in the world." Dream smiled.

"How can you do that?" said Ink incredulously. "I get that you're the Sans of positivity, but how?! How can you smile!?"

"Because, if you consider what he's done, Civeden deserved to die. And, Yapadoodles soul got sucked into Yafrelus. I know for a fact that the souls live inside of him. They have free will. And while they can't overpower Yafrelus, they can talk to each other. They get to spend an eternity resting in peace talking to each other. And once we destroy him, they'll be freed." Dream summoned a portal. "C'mon."

"Where?" asked Ink.


Underscript!: Book One: YafrelusWhere stories live. Discover now