Demoniod has been Slained

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Use the music video for the battle music


fter about eleven years, both Zeo and Kiana are now considered an Adult, Kiana is Sixteen while Zeo is fifteen, Kiana now mastered all of the Elemental Magics

And Kiana is now enrolled in the prestigious academy of Aizalith, with the moniker: Daughter of Aizalith, top scorer of the tests, best mage of the Academy, and Ace of Aizalith

She is the best mage of the Academy, due to her perseverance, sheer wit and tenacity

Zeo on the other hand has to master swordsmanship first due to boys in his family must learn how to wield a sword or any type of weapon

Now he mastered the longsword, short sword, knife, martial arts, rapeir, pole arm, axe, dual wield, and kendo

Either hand held or thrown, he can defeat all of his instructors in just three days of training, now he is being tested in his hammer mastery


Goes the hammer as Zeo came out of the smoke, panting out of exhaustion, his master came out, holding a gigantic hammer

His master looked like a half ogre, cause he is, he has a burly beard, horns comming out of his forehead, huge arms twice the size of Zeo's torso and a scarred face.... Monstrous to say the least

"HAHAHAHAHA" said his master, "what now boy?"

~~ Zeo's POV ~~

I am seriously having so much fun fighting master Rovanov, although panting and tired but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy quite a challenge

I then picked up my hammer, got up, spun it around my back, and charged head on against my master


Goes the sound of both our hammers, but with the superior strength of master, I was repelled upwards but that is what I wanted, I then used the momentum to power up my swing


My hammer connected with much force to bend master's hammer, I panted out of exhaustion and the recoil of the blow

"Conceed" I said with much difficulty

"I give up" said Master with a jovial tone and then we both straightened up, "Good match my boy"

"Thanks *gasp* Master" I said with shallow breathing

"Well done Zeo" Said my Father, Duke Eskaul Von Estus, "worthy to be the head of the Estus Family"

"I am so proud of you my son" Said my Mother, Baroness Tisha hern Estus, " a prodigy in weapons and magic alike, a genius like any other"

"Stop it Mother" I said with a hint of red on my cheeks due to embarrassment, "I may have mastered Weapon arts, Martial arts, and Magic arts but that doesn't mean I cannot Improve through the years"

Both my parents giggled at my modesty, and the maids motioned us inside for the coming of age party, my coming of age party


(3rd Person POV)

" cheers!! " exclaimed everyone

"Everyone let me introduce the man of honour himself!" said an announcer, "Young Master Zeo Aizen von Estus!!"

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