Kenji Suzugamori V.S Demon Lord of Wrath

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(use media for music for this fight scene)


Metal is bashing against metal was heard for a thousand miles, then a loud roar of a blood thirsty monster rang out into the distance.


A Sonic boom has now been heard as two fast projectiles had past a few trees, before said trees had been cut down into splinters

And then....


Both combatants came to a screeching halt as they are now seen in plain sight

"*Grunt* now this is fun" said Kenji, "let's keep this up!"

But the Demon Lord growled as he chuckled, and bashed his Greatsword towards the said hero

They both blitzed around swinging their Greatswords around and destroying the surrounding area


They kept at it for the next 3 to four hours...

(I cannot be bothered to write their fight in detail so I'll skip to the best parts)

Both fighters stopped in their tracks, out of breath and both bloodied and bruised

They both smiled and raised their blades as both swords light up the sky with a pillar of light

"Dark!!" Said the Demon, he then took a  step forward and slammed his sword down and screamed: "EMPEROR!!!!!"

Kenji then also did the same then said: "RAGE!! BAHAMUT!!!"

Both pillars stoked down and collided against each other creating a verily huge explosion

After the explosion occured, the Demon Lord, jumped from the dust cloud and charged at the hero, Kenji parried it, and did another rally of slashes

A few seconds later they both bashed their swords against each other, creating a large Sonic boom

Both jumped back from one another, and charged their blades again creating a pillar of light



Both simultaneously stepped forward and swung their blades down, hard



Both pillars collided and another explosion occured, but the sword beam of Kenji has now pierced thought the cloud overpowering the Demon Lord of wrath's sword beam and sliced through him entirely

Kenji moved towards Wrath and both fighters nodded at each other without a word

And Wrath dispersed into dust, blown by the wind

Kenji grabbed his symbol, and as he did that he heard the words of Leo

And walked away with the sunset behind him

~~ to be continued ~~

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