Senju Sakuya vs Demon Lord of Envy

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A/n: the pic above is the picture of the demon Lord Envy, so don't let looks deceive you


The supposed Demon Lord's the flied towards the heroes dragging them to where they are strongest, their reality marble

Each Demon Lord has a tittle of one of the seven deadly sins, Kenji has Wrath, Chase has Greed, Yuki has Lust, and finally Zeo has Pride... But Sakuya has Envy, and she picked a place where their is a concentration of humans nearby

"So what will you do now? Sorceress Supreme?" Asked Envy, "will you fight them? Protect them? Or non of the above?!"

Envy, looked like a child, a demi-human child, with a squirrel tail and ears, a blue frilly dress and a ribbon on her back, her gender is being obstructed by magic

Envy then dashed towards Sakuya, but was then repelled by Sakuya's Barrier wall

"I will do both at the same time!"

She then swung her staff as it turned into a spear whom she attacked her opposing opponent

Which then took out a bokken and started to party all strikes and thrusts of Sakuya's spear


Both stopped at spear point, due to the deadlock of both weapons Envy tried to talk

"Do you really think you'll win?!" She asked a bit grunting "why not join us and you will be able to get anything you so desired"

"I already have what I desired!" Sakuya then jumped back, transformed her spear back into her magical staff and aimed a spell at the Demon Lord, " <Crimson Javelin> "

Four Spears made out of flame flied threw the air and was targeted towards the Demon Lord

< Absorbsion of Vanity >

With out warning the spell was then absorbed by a vortex that came from the Demon Lord's hand

"Was that it?" The Demon Lord asked, "you may be called the sorceress hero but your magical power is lacking!"

She then casted the same spell as Sakuya casted, the said magic caster then puts up a barrier


The barrier broke and scorched the sorceress within

"What power!" She said then smiled, "time to put my training from that pervert to the test"

She then closed her eyes and exhaled, time slowed down to a halt as she started to make an image of a mage that she pictured when she was still a young girl, she then opened her eyes and thus time speeds up again ash she then uttered the words that was taught by her perverted master.

"Cross ride!!"

A pillar of light envelope said female, her clothes then change to a dress white and color with purple highlight, she then has a staff with gold highlights, angelic and nature.

"Ready for round two Envy?" Said the now angelic sorceress

Envy then tested the water, by casting the same spell as before, but was deflected by the sorceress

"What?!" Asked Envy, "how did you...?!"

Sakuya then made five elaborate magic circles with different colors, then she casted five different spells

" < Fire blast >, < Icicle Shear >, < Earthen Fissure >, < Whirlwind burst >, <Dragonic Impact > "

Each circle blasted Envy with the elements of each one and then...

"No way!" Said Envy as she now is starting to crumble to dust, "She had the right description of all of you heroes..."

When she almost disappeared to dust she looked at Sakuya with a smile

"You all are way to good to be true, save my mistress from any harm, and then heed my words"

She then looked at Sakuya dead in the eye

"Destroy Pride with all your might"

Envy the disappeared but in her place a small somewhat of a puzzle piece with the seal saying Invidia or once translated: Envy

"May you rest in peace" prayed the sorceress as she turned back to her original form

She then heard of a little jingle of a bell and then placed her hand to her head

"Sakuya here" she said and she heard the voice of Zeo

"A message to all heroes" Zeo said, "converge on my location and bring anything that the Demon Lords may have dropped, coordinates of: 12° north, 56° west, and 23° north west. We'll meet at 1200"

Sakuya looks at the insignia, casted a barrier at the wall and soldiers within it, and then walked towards the where coordinates lead too

"What are you planning Zeo?" She asked, "well... Anything fun would do at least"

~~ to be continued ~~

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