Filler Arc part 1

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~~ within the castle's drawing room ~~

"What the heck.... We're you thinking?!" Asked the Magus

"Well.... I wanted you to show your stuff.... As they say" says the Queen

"Jeez.... It's been almost a millennium since I'm back" the Magus said before sitting down, "can't I get a month to, Oh I don't know, how about rest?"

"Millennia?" Asked his sister, "how is that possible?! You and the rest of the heroes are human, how did you live for a thousand years?"

"We've been world hopping since a few months ago" said Sakuya

"World hopping?" Asked the new queen and her secretary

"Should we tell em'?" Asked the Scott

"Fine by me" said the sword hero

"No problem here as well" said Yuki as she then said her two cents

"Do I really have a choice?" Asked the Wiseman, whom which groaned, as the other heroes are smiling, "majority wins, my vote is overruled anyways"

With a groan and a sigh, he then snapped his fingers, casting a spell called: Silent room. A 10 meter by 10 meter space that negates sound from coming in, and or, if your outside the box, getting out

"What I'm about to tell you is a top secret" Zeo said with a serious tone, "and it must not leave this room, ever"

Both ladies gulped, and nodded as they are now dead serious to know the truth

"But then let me ask......" He said, as the other heroes are now sitting beside him, "where to start?"


A book has now flipped back to a few pages, chapters even, and stopped at a glowing page and thus we zoomed within it


~~ Flashback ~~

We found our heroes transported via a wormhole and had landed on there butts, groaning in pain.

"Is everyone alright?" Asked Zeo

"No problems with Kenji, Sakuya, Yuri, and me" Chase said as he helped the two girls, "next time Yuri, don't touch anything without it being scanned for traps first....... And now look where we are"

"Speaking of" Sakuya said whilst picking up her staff, "where is.... I mean, where are we?"

"Seems like.... A dungeon or something..." Kenji said with a confused look

Zeo took out a device which he calls: Chronoscope, which looks like a compass attached to an old Nokia phone, this device was made by him to know either where to go or where he is

(If you get that reference please tell me)

"The chronoscope is acting weird...." He said as he looks at it in every direction

"Hey don't blame me Mr. I'm-charging-through-the-walls" she said in a poisonous manner, "I'm just doing my job as the trap remover and checker, while you are charging head on not caring about anyone else but himself!!"

"You wanna go?!" Asked Kenji in one angry tone

"Try me!! You'll just lose either way!!" Rebuked Yuri as she brandished her new daggers

"Hey come on now" said the Scottish, "we need to work together right now, aye?"

"Chase is right" said Sakuya timidly, "no need to fight amongst ourselves"

But those words are fallen into deaf ears as both charged like they are both trying to kill each other

Zeo on the other hand...... Wouldn't have it, he then multicast a binding spell to both so called heroes


These three words echo through the place as both heroes are bound by blue thorns with a foot long of space between them

"What am I a babysitter now?" He said in annoyance, "well I'm having none of that, get your acts straight or I'll be personally kicking your asses and sending you to a one way ticket to hell"

"You guys are too loud......" Said a British voice within the background, "this is a library for damn sakes"

Both Zeo and Sakuya then casted soul lights, illuminating about 10 yards each

"Who's there?" asked Zeo

"Who's there?" asked Zeo

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"By Jove.... You people...." Said a six foot tall male wearing a tail coat, which has a device with seven metallic arms whilst each one holding magnifying glass, his hair slicked back, eyes of serene blue, on his gloved hands are a Calabash pipe, a pipe for his tobacco, and on his other hand is a lit up Candelabra.

He ominously moved out of the darkness

"what barbaric people and your I'll manners" says the man, whom turned his back and is going back to his seat, "all of you are in the library, show some respect!!"

"Wha?!" Exclaimed both Yuri and Kenji

"Excuse me.... Back up a bit aye.... Who are ye?" Asked Chase in a hurry

"For now call me the curator" said the now named Curator as he stopped whilst turning to look at them, "and here I will say: "welcome to the great Library of Akashic Records, which is located between time, and space"

This made the rest shocked, wide eyed, slack jaw, and all of the above

"By dear me.... You people still have no class"

~~ End ~~

A/n: sorry for the super late delay.... I had writter's block as of late, but don't worry I'll try to do more of this and my other novels soon

Without further ado, I bid thee adieu

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