Chapter 1: Change would be great

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Your Position

         "George? Double shot latte for George?" I called. A bigger man walked up to the counter and claimed his coffee. I smiled and then went to the next order. Everyday this is what I do. I wake up, get dressed, and come to work.  I see the same customers everyday. They order the same thing. And I make it, everyday. It's the same damn thing every single day. I honestly would call myself a person of habit, but a little change would be great.

       "Y/N!" I heard my co worker Lexi yell. I snapped out of my thoughts and said "Oh shoot I'm sorry Lex." I said. "You thinking about the dick you can't get, lard ass?" She scoffed. I just bit my bottom lip and took it. I didn't care. It's like this everyday, and honestly I have gotten used to it. I just did my job. I was also in college. It was hard, but it was so worth it. Even though school was my main priority, I still had this fantasy of finding that person, my soulmate, my twin flame, the one. I always dreamed the perfect man would walk through those doors and sweep me off my feet. 

          Lexi finally ended her shift and I took over register. I took so many hard orders. This lady comes in with her dog in her purse and says to me "I need a tall, skinny, non-fat, double shot, latte with skim milk, no wip, no syrup, double sleeve, no cup." But I gave her the cup anyway, because if I put it in a bag I would have lost my job. Then this one guy came in. I mean, I have dealt with weird customers, but I have never had one with lime green hair. 

          "Hello sir, what can I get for you today?" I asked the man. "Hi, I need a large black coffee." He responded. "Would you like sugar and cream?" I asked. "Nope just straight black coffee." He answered with a smile. "Oh thank god, you're my easiest order all day." I said with a laugh. He chuckled back. "So what is the name on the order?" I asked. "Sean. S-e-a-n, with an accent over the a." He said. "Okay I got it, feel free to sit down and relax." I said with another smile. And he did. 

         About 5 to 7 minutes later, I needed to call Sean's order. "Large black coffee for Sean?" I called. And that friendly, and kinda cute, smile walked up and claimed his order. "Hey, uh, take this and maybe we can get coffee and you wont be behind the counter making it." He said with a chuckle. I blushed a little and took the piece of paper from his hand. He walked away, and I unfolded the paper. It had his number on it. I blushed a little harder before I snapped out of it and went back to work.

        I finally got to hang up my apron, and walk out of the cafe. I didn't get far before Sean, the guy with green hair, stopped me. "Hey are you walking?" he asked. "Yeah I am." I answered. "Let me walk you home, I hear this part of town isn't the safest after dark." He said. "Sure, I was kinda dreading this walk anyway." I responded.

       As we walked I just admired his ocean blue eyes. They were so blue, it didn't seem that color of blue would be achievable. And his hair was a different story. He had buzzed off sides and a layered top. I could tell his natural hair color was a very dark brown, in contrary to his lime green top. That was defiantly not natural. He had a thick Irish accent. It was very attractive. I could tell he was not an American citizen. 

       We seemed to have so much in common. We loved the same movies, games, TV shows, and bands. As we walked I slowly learned a little bit more of Sean's personality. I just got out of a pretty serious relationship, and I wasn't sure what Sean was for me. A rebound? A new partner? A fling? Just sex? I had no on earthly idea. He was cute, kind, and defiantly different from what I was used to. The relationship I was just in didn't end badly or anything. We just needed to let go of what we had and walk away. 

      "So what do you do?" I asked. Then I realized that question wasn't very clear. "Like for work." I added. "Oh, I work in social media." He responded with a smile. Of course I had no on earthly idea what that meant. "So what are you doing in Austin? I asked. "I'm actually here on a job." He answered. "So if you're here for work, where are you from?" I questioned. "I'm actually from England. Brighton to be specific." He answered. My eyes widened when I heard Brighton. That is one of the more expensive cities in England. 

       "Damn, that's a nice place to live. You must make a killing if you can afford a place there." I commented. He laughed at my tone and then agreed. "So I guess this is me." I said as we walked upon my building. "Aw, I was enjoying our conversation." He said. "Yeah me too." I responded. "So Y/N, what is your full name?" He asked. I found that a bit weird to ask now and not before we took a hour and a half walk. I then realized I said something similar to that out loud and blush came upon my face. "Y/N, L/N." I said after that. Sean chuckled and said "I'm Sean McLoughlin." And we shook hands. 

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