Chapter 3

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It had been a stressful week for izuku, on monday he moved in with All Might and was told that he would be the mans successor, a statement that actually made him faint. On Tuesday the first court session began for Bakugou, izuku bagged and pleaded to not have to go, but he did in the end, the two boy's didn't make eye contact through out the whole event. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday all went the same as Tuesday, but Izuku learnt some things that changed his view on the boy that "hated" him

It turns out that mitsuki bakugou, his mother had been abusing drugs almost all of her life, and when the boy found some of her "stash" he tried it and got addicted, causing him to act rashly, he had also been stressed, this lead to his anger problems, his grandfather had made it clear to the boy that if he did not get into UA and become a hero that he would be sent to America and put through a quirk marriage as his quirk was "powerful" and had lots of "potential", finding this out lead the abused child to see his tormentor in a new light, however that light was very dim. The final verdict at the court was that he will be sent to rehabilitation for 1 year and 4 months, and when he finishes he will be accepted into UA, however any situation involving him will result in his expulsion and being taken into care, he was also not allowed to go on any field trips whilst he attends UA and he wasn't allowed to represent his school until he became a hero

Now Saturday, izuku looked forward to the beginning of his 1 year of training with All Might (btw this is 2 months before the series actually starts) "izuku my boy" the heroes voice boomed out loudly "it is time... time for training" the blonde man said, hearing this the boy got excited and began to feel the adrenaline run through his veins "i cant wait All Might, i wont disappoint you" with that said Izuku began the most gruesome year of his life, everyday he would wake up eat, brush his teeth, shower and then do a 5km run to warm up, after his run he would begin his clean of dagobah municipal beach (cant remember how its spelt sry) and after 3 hours of cleaning he would return home and eat a lunch high in protein, he would then go to UA and be taught everything he needed to know academically, and thanks to his quirk he was finished in a flash, he was also taught all different kinds of martial art and other fighting techniques, the discipline in this also helped Izuku get back into being a normal human being who wasn't afraid of everyone. After 2 hours of classes he would run home and meditate until tea, after tea he would do a run around the block and then lift weights for 45 mins, before resting for an hour and then sleeping (this regime is probably really impractical but im not a physical education teacher so i wouldnt know) doing this regime for 6 days a week for a year left a magnificent result, Izuku's body was now incredibly ripped, he had also grown considerably from 5'4 to 5'9 due to having a proper diet and activities. At the end of this year he had one day left until the UA entrance exams which he insisted on doing as he wanted to earn his place, however everyone knew he would get in
"IZUKU MY BOY YOU HAVE DONE WELL" All Might boomed, as he looked at his son in pride
"Thanks dad, but its all thanks to you and everyone at UA" izuku replied to his father who plucked a hair from his head
"Now my boy, its time to give you one for all" he held out the hair to Izuku and shouted out "EAT THIS" as a result he only got a loud
"EHHH?!" From his son, he quickly explained how he needed his DNA to acquire ofa and so the boy ate it, All Might told him to go and sleep until tea so that he can digest the hair and get ofa, izuku slept for 3 hours as the hair digested which was incredibly fast, for this is super hair

At 7:30 he woke up and ran down stairs to the smell of his favourite food, katsudon. The two sat down and ate their food, quickly as they wanted to see Izuku use ofa, as soon as they were finished they wasted no time in running outside (btw as izuku had more time and a quirk that basically lets him cheat processes like training as he adapts incredibly quickly to them so he can handle more of ofa, about 15%)
"Well my boy lets see, just punch towards the water" all might told him as he stood in a fighting stance

And channelled ofa though out his body, something he notice all might did to increase his speed and power, he thrusted his arm forward sending out 15% and the water parted sideways as the distorted air shot through

"MY BOY THAT WAS AMAZING" All Might exclaimed proudly of his son who just stood there with a look of shock as he only said
"Jesus christ" as he stared at his hands

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