Chapter 12

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The storm passed, and the bright sun rose in the sky to spread warmth over the outside world, but inside the apartment it felt cold. Phil spent most of his time lingering in the hallway outside Dan's bedroom door, too scared to leave him alone, and all the while Dan stayed silent. It had gotten to the point that Phil started to wonder if he would ever hear Dan's voice again. Then the call came.

Phil recognized the number as soon as he got out his phone and looked at the caller ID. It was the number that the policewoman had given them at the hospital.

"This is Officer Delaney with Scotland Yard calling for Phil Lester."

"Yes, um... hi," Phil answered, his heart hammering in his chest. Maybe this was it. Maybe the police had finally caught them. Maybe-

"Our team has come across some evidence linked to Mr. Howell's case." Officer Delaney sounded stiff and formal, and like she really wished she didn't have to do this. "We'd appreciate your help if you could come down to the station to look it over."

"What sort of evidence?"

Delaney let out a long breath. "Phil, we found a video."

The ground seemed to tilt under Phil's feet as he slowly sunk to the floor. "A video?"

"We found it on a darknet site. It isn't public." Delaney assured him. "The perps' faces have been blurred out, but their voices haven't been altered. Mr. Howell mentioned that one of their voices sounded familiar, and we were hoping that you might recognize it as well and be able to identify them."

Phil couldn't move or speak, his dazed mind barely able to process the thoughts whirling through his head. That's why all the video equipment had been left in his room, why Dan had panicked at the mere sight of a camera. That camera was used to film what happened to him. Those sick bastards had that thing pointed at Dan while they were-

"It's not compulsory. You can say no." Phil's stomach clenched at her word choice. "This is the most conclusive piece of evidence we've found so far. We weren't able to get a match on any of the DNA samples from your apartment or the hospital. I know this is a lot to ask, but it could really help us make a breakthrough with the case. Will you come to the station?"

Phil took a deep breath to steady his nerves. He had to do this. He couldn't sit at home when there was something he could do to make sure those monsters got put away.

"I'll be there as soon as I can."

After hanging up, Phil shakily got to his feet. Then he turned to Dan's bedroom and realized that the door was open.

The setting sun cast an orange and red glow through the window, outlining Dan's hunched form as he sat on the bed facing the wall. As soon as Phil stepped into the room, Dan said in a low, monotone voice, "So they found it, then?"

He seemed so calm and resigned, like he'd been expecting this.

"The police found it on the darknet," Phil responded. "It's not public." He wished that Dan would turn around, that they could talk face to face so it would easier to tell how he was feeling. "I have to go, but I don't... I don't want to leave you here alone."

"It's fine," Dan muttered. "I suppose I need to get used to being alone."

The sadness in those words tugged at Phil's heartstrings. "Dan... I'm coming back. I'd give anything to not have to go do this at all, but I swear, as soon as it's done with, I'm coming back."

The boy clenched his left arm over his torso and didn't respond. Phil stood waiting an eternity for some sort of sign that Dan believed him, but none came. Then as he slowly retreated towards the hallway, he heard Dan whisper his name.

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