XIV. Reminder

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Sayuki and I went to the basketball court as she sat on the bleachers while I got back on the court with my teammates who all wore shocked looks, probably not believing that Sayuki was here to watch our practice. Good thing, no one tried to approach her even though there were people, normal students watching our practice.

Our coach although surprised as well didn't pay it much attention and asked me where was Masahide who still was nowhere to be found. Moments after, he finally appeared and got scolding from the coach because of his late arrival.

He nudged me playfully, before glancing at the pink haired teen actress sitting pretty on the bleachers by herself.


"Ah, of course." I lamely replied.

The coach decided to have a mock game with Masahide and I as the team captains. The practice went on with Sayuki constantly cheering for me and my team like the loving and supportive girlfriend that she was for the sake of the image of our relationship.

"Darling! Shoot one for me!"

I even heard her shout her silly and idiotic nickname for me that earned me jealous glares but I felt embarrassed and wanted the ground to swallow me, just disappearing. Even though embarrassed and full of shame, I wanted to impress her so since the ball was on my team and I'm the one dribbling it, I gave her a look that translates to 'This one's for you.' before seriously asking for a screen which one of my teammates gladly did provide.

My plan wasn't to actually drive in but to shoot from the three-point arc. With the screen provided from my teammate, I was given a brief allowance of space to which I took the opportunity to shoot from the three-point arc.

As I was confident, I quickly walked away from the spot and headed for the other side, maintaining my stare on Sayuki as we waited for that swish of the net and the satisfied cheers of my teammates. Fortunately, she was actually impressed as she squealed in glee and sent me a wink.

"I love you, darling!" she shamelessly yelled with all her might.

The only thought that coursed through my mind as I shyly scratched the back of my head.

'I need to change that nickname.'


"Okay, we're done for today!" Coach's voice boomed. "Go home now!"

Practice finally ended earning sighs of relief from all of us. Surprisingly, Sayuki stayed here for the whole duration of our practice although as the time passed by, she started looking less enthusiastic as she constantly glanced at her phone.

Masahide patted my back all of a sudden, "Got plans with your girl today?"

My attention shifted from Sayuki as I looked at Masahide. "N-No, what the hell are you saying?"

I saw from my peripheral vision that Sayuki was approaching us and it was confirmed further when Masahide playfully shoved me before going on with the boys to the locker room.

"Great practice huh,"

I half turned my body towards her, fronting a smiling countenance. I didn't really expect she'll stay for our practice, maybe she really didn't want her image to be tarnished, masterfully keeping it up.

"Yeah, how come you're always on your phone?"

She eyed me a teasing look, "I'm texting someone."


She saw a crack in my smiling facade as she let out a chuckle, pointing at my face.

"Your expression fell! Are you jealous?"

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