XXXVIII. Her Sadness

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Sayuki Matsuhiro's POV

I released a deep tired sigh, my fingers clenching the mug filled with hot coffee. Its warmness was able to calm me down for a second, I had been pretty much distracted the whole time.

I lifted my eyes and slowly observed the surroundings, the bright lights and sounds piercing through the atmosphere. Numerous people walking frantically around as they were busy looking over the place and seeing if everything is perfect.

Suddenly, a stack of paper was thrusted forward in my direction and my eyes followed the hand up towards the face of the person.

"Maybe, you might want to look over your script for a second." Shun Orito suggested, his hand still extended towards me.

I took a long sip of my hot coffee and shook my head afterwards, "No, I'm fine. I got it."

Shun Orito narrowed his eyes yet didn't say anything as he walked away, probably to talk to someone about things. It was pretty much busy here on the set, the director and the head of the camera crew were conversing whilst the others were continuing their job.

My eyes caught a certain someone walking towards me, his dazzling and charming smile already put up on his face. I rolled my eyes and sighed inwardly. Even before I could do something, he already arrived in front of me.

'Please stop bothering me,'

"What's up, Princess?"

I inwardly cringed just from hearing his voice yet I tried maintaining the polite smile as I set down my hot coffee on a nearby table. "Hello, Keiji."

Keiji Yoshikawa, a fellow teen actor and the one always being paired up with me in movies and dramas alike. We were branded as the hottest teen loveteam at the moment. The charming and handsome fellow stood beside me, an aura of cheerfulness surrounding him. Just from his looks and aura, you could immediately identify that he was an outgoing person. I could feel his scrutinizing gaze and it felt uncomfortable to be the receiving end of it though I knew full well how many girls would die if they were in my position.

"Sayuki seemed down right now, is something on your mind?"

I forced a smile, "Nothing at all. Wanna practice lines together?"

"Yeah, let's go." He agreed almost immediately.

I inwardly release a sigh as I didn't want him prying more into what I was thinking and practicing over our lines would be a good distraction. I tried remembering my lines and just like one of the scenes we would be shooting later, I said one particular line.

"I'm sorry..." I said in a melancholic voice, my eyes tearing up a little. "I hope you can forgive me..."

Keiji gazed towards me with a deeply hurt expression just how should the character he was playing as feels. This scene was one of the most important ones since it was a turning point among the relationship between our characters.

"Why did you do it...?" he asked with a pained voice. "Are the times we spent together amount to only that?"

Maybe due to this scene and what I was currently experiencing at the moment, my broken relationship with Ryou and even the blackmailing situation with Azumo. Tears came out of my eyes and I broke down crying loudly to the point that everyone near the vicinity turned their heads towards us.

"Sa-Sayuki? What's wrong?" Keiji asked in a panicked expression as he fussed over my crying appearance.

Soon enough, Shun came and gently tried asking what was wrong. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

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