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If you get easily bored by reading Hiccups conclusions you can just read the Bold letters cuz they are important clues.  But if you love the mystery and in it all, read it all cuz its gonna get chilly here.

ABC - his thoughts
ABC - clues
Hiccups POV

Once we got in a taxi, I side glance at Y/N and saw her glancing at me for a minute then turn away. Obviously, has questions for me, yet too shy to say anything. I can see hesitation in her eyes.

I guess I've got to start a conversation, I inhaled deeply since I'm not really good with people.

"you've got questions, "

"yeah well, where are we going? " she said quickly.

"crime scene. Next"

"who are you, What do you do? " Isn't that already obvious? She can't be THAT stupid.

"I'll let you guess? "

" I'd say private detective but the police don't go to private detectives. " there you go,

"I'm a consulting detective, the first one in the world, I invented the job. If the police are out of the depth,
-which is always -
They consult me. "

"the police don't consult amateurs " I looked at her shock at what she said. Did she just call me an amateur?
For the love of Thor, why are people so frustrating to deal with.

Time to prove her wrong.

"when I met you yesterday, I asked Berserk or Wingmaiden, you look surprised. "

" yeah, how did you know? " she looked at me and I started to grin. Easy

"I didn't know, I saw.
Your haircut, the way you stand says military "
I remembered her both hands in the back, legs apart like a soldier pose

"and your conversation as you entered the room so an army doctor, obviously. Your lips really bad when you walk, but you don't ask a chair when you stand like you've forgotten about it so it's at least partly psychosomatic that says the original
circumstances of the injury were traumatic. Wounded in action then.
" I pictured back where we first met. Scanning her eyes, posture, and face.

"how did you know about the uhmm, brother? "

"your phone it's expensive, e-mail enabled, MP3 player. " I saw the phone in my mind like that day, I kept swiping and looking around her phone checking every intricate details in it.

"and your looking for a flat share, you wouldn't waste money on this so its a gift then "  I grab her phone from her hand that she was examining while I was explaining.

"Skye, clearly a family member. Not your father, this is a young man's gadget could be a cousin but your a war hero who can't find a place to live.
Unlikely you've got an extended family, certainly someone very close to.
So brother it is, he gave the phone to you, that says he wants to stay in touch. Your looking for a cheap accommodation and you're not going to your brother for help. That says you've got problems with him.
Probably when you entered the army than some kind of family business or something.
There you go, so your right. " I finished it off as I clapped my hands and returned the phone to her

"I'm right? Right about what? "

"that the police don't consult 'amateurs ' " I fingered quoted.

"That.... Was amazing " she pointed out in astonishment that's a new reaction. I looked at her confuse.

"you.... Think so? "

"of course it was! It was quite extraordinary, quite extraordinary " she exclaimed. She's quite a weird one. But who am I to judge, I'm a high functioning sociopath after all.

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