Chapter 1

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It has been 2 years since Jiang Cheng took full responsibility of the Jin Company and all of its other business, managing them so that it won't crumble before her nephew takes over, making it easier for him in the future. After Jin GuangYao's mess was revealed, which took away her life as well, her headaches have been increasing since then. She clearly knows and can definitely do, that she can throw away the responsibility back to the company's original board members but if she does then her nephew's rightful place won't be safe anymore. So, she had no choice but to suffer, managing two huge companies in her shoulders for the sake of her nephew.

 Though the outside of the Jin Company is calm and still strong, it was all thanks to her hard work these past 2 years. The real owner of the company that is left behind is her nephew, Jin Ling. Her older sister's son and the only one who has a Jin in his blood, well except for his half-uncle.  And also one of the two family members she had left. 

If only her nephew knew how things are done and is old enough to handle such things, her headaches should have been better. But no! The heavens just had to test her patience and capabilities in this life of her. Her nephew isn't out of high school to know how to properly handle things around and sign papers, he'd rather make comments about them being too boring to read or too long to even bother reading. And she would often question herself, did she really raised a spoiled brat? Or if she didn't then, it was Jin GuangYao's fault. Jiang Cheng was pretty sure that she scolds the child, very often actually, so there's no way that brat would grow up in a spoiled manner. 

Bullshit! She thought as she clenched her fist.

 She read the letter in front of her again, hoping the words would change. Sadly, it didn't. Her knuckles turned white after a while, she released it. She glanced at the tensed employee who sent the letter in front of her, as if ready to kneel just to be spared from her unpredictable temper. The man was sweating, his fingers were fidgeting and his head faced the floor.

"Leave," Jiang Cheng said. Her voice echoing through her office. The man, without any more words, rushed to the door before mumbling a yes.

Am I really that scary? Jiang Cheng asked herself.

She, herself clearly know the answer but why did she even ask? It was always the same answer ever since she could remember. With her threatening people in her daily life, starting from her young age while looking at them with her most unwanted glares that sometimes makes people unable to talk or even let a word out, of course, people would be afraid of her. Her threats are, after all, happens daily, especially to Jin Ling. Even her own nephew isn't spared from daily threats and scoldings but as the boy grows older, it seems her words have lost its effectiveness as well.

Jiang Cheng just sighs and pushed the thought to the back of her mind before looking on the paper. With an expensive paper and a seal on the envelope, one would think that letter is an important matter that would immediately need a reply, which she thought of as well, but the moment it was opened and unfolded, ugly handwriting would greet the receiver. And would eventually piss off the person who would read it, and she was. She faced palm and heave a heavy sigh, even Jin Ling's handwriting when he was in nursery school was better than this ugly smudges, she thought. For an adult to have such handwriting is a disgrace! Shameful, even! It's also not good for both the eyes and brain. But the person who wrote this won't even feel a tiny bit of shame after all that person has been thick-face ever since young.

Such waste of fine paper, she thought.

It was then she realized that why the heck is she caring about a piece of a freaking paper for goodness sake! She has a lot of papers, lots. Not to mention papers with luxury and rich textures.  Don't even get started with her, she definitely has good handwriting, not like this child-like doodles!

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