Kozodorth The King of Dragons

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The following is an origin story to our main villain Kozodorth and how he became a revenge seeking dragon.


Once upon a time there was a valley. This valley was located in what is now known as Menton, France. In this valley, there were dragons. These dragons were peaceful and no one knew they were there. These dragons were peaceful folk and were under the rule of the kind and friendly, Kozodorth.

Kozodorth was the kindest dragon around. He would check and see if his citizens needed help and give what he could to the children. Kozodorth was on a hunt for a wife. He wanted to have a son and a daughter so his kingdom would be in good hands. One day, he came upon a woman named Pargophy. 

Pargophy was a kind woman who would end up marrying Kozodorth. She and Kozodorth made a son named Avrim. Avrim was a curious Dragon. He wanted to explore outside the valley. His father denied him permission to leave. So one day, in the middle of the night, he snuck out. Kozodorth woke up and found him missing. He latter got news of a dragon being killed by the village. He suspected it was his son. 

5 years passed and Pargophy grew terribly Ill. Kozodorth did everything to make sure she could live. The illness got the best of her and she passed. Now we begin with a human discovering the valley.

The Valley Discovered

"HEY!" Said the man. "Julia, thou mustn't go o'er that hill." 

"Oh Barnaby, lighten up a little," Julia said. "Also stop talking like your in front of the king." 

"But this is how we speak," Barnaby said. "That hill is dangerous."

Julia ignored Barnaby and ran up the hill. "Woah!" Julia yelled. "Barnaby Look!" 

Barnaby ran up the hill. "Dragons?" He asked. "I thought they were a dead!"

"Oh! We are very much alive," Kozodorth said, appearing behind them.  "Are you humans?"

"Yes, we are! Have you never seen one?" Julia asked.

"Humans don't come here," Kozodorth said. "It is the last home of Dragons ever since the last Dragon Wars."

"You attacked us!" Barnaby yelled. 

"You fool!" Kozodorth shouted. "I was attacked by your kind! Humans have always feared Dragons!"

"Maybe if we tell our King, you come in peace, he will let you guys roam free," Julia said.

"Who is your King?" Kozodorth asked.

"Konstentyn," Barnaby answered. 

"He holds a bad reputation here, but if you can convince him, we shall give you some of our gold!" Kozodorth proclaimed. "Now go! Go tell your king about us!" Barnaby and Julia left.

"Are you sure that was a good idea, my lord?" Asked a servant.

"Prepare a defense line!" Kozodorth said.

Konstentyns Meeting

"Sir, we bring you news!" Barnaby shouts.

"Please you must listen to us!" Julia said.

"SILENCE!" The king yelled. "You, boy, speak!" He pointed at Barnaby. 

"We discovered a valley of Dragon's!" Barnaby shouted.

"Dragons?" The king asked. "But they've been extinct since the war, the war in which my father died."

"These dragons are peaceful," Julia said. "They want to roam free!" 

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