The Red Sun pt.2

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I never thought I'd almost die in Hell. Hades was leading us through the dungeons, the inmates were riled by our presence. Hades explained that the cells could never be opened or destroyed. The ceiling started cracking and debris was falling. Ghidorah screeched louder and we heard glass break. We heard another cry, but it wasn't Ghidorah. I could hear voices, singing in a foreign language. 

"Mothra," Hades explained. "Ghidorahs most powerful enemy!" 

"We need to leave," I said. 

"What happens if you die in Hell?" Gavin asked. 

"Well, when the Dead die in Hell, they vanish and are forgotten, as if they never existed," Hades answered. "The Living, it's never happened before."

We reach the end of the dungeon and climb up the stairs. Ghidorah's tail crashes through the wall and pins Mason and Rael to the wall. The left head peaks in and starts charging up. It felt as if all the electricity was being sucked out of the air. Ghidorah released the charge but Ruby jumped in front of the attack. She got back up and her trident had turned black. Lightning, fire, and water encirlced the trident, and it started to melt. 

"Logan! Put the blade into the liquid!" Ruby yelled.

Logan put the Blade of Grass into the melting trident and sparks starting flying of it. Logan dropped the blade. A big flash of light bursted out and the Blade of Glass and the trident had become a bow. The string was made from the blade, the bow was made from the trident, and the arrow from the Lance. Logan picked up the bow. Ghidorah fled the staircase.

"The bow of death!" Hades exclaimed. 

"I'm not good with a bow," Logan said.

"I'm not good, either," Ruby said.

"I am," I said. I grabbed the bow from Logan's hand.

Ghidorah charged into the staircase, causing it to collapse. I fall and land at the bottom, my body flooded with pain, as my ribs broke. Mothra charged into Ghidorah, knocking him over. In the distance, I could hear the other dragons cry as the Trio of Earth destroyed them. Ghidorah tail bashes Mothra and causes her to fall. Ghidorah gets back up and stomps on Mothra. Mothra starts webbing Ghidorah and runs her stinger through Ghidorah's left head. Ghidorah's right head bites into Mothra, she screeches in pain. 

"Mothra!" Ruby yells. The foreign voices had stopped singing. 

Ghidorah's middle head bites into Mothra's left wing and rips it off. Mothra tries to spray the monster with string but she is met with a bite to the head by the newly regenerated, left head of Ghidorah.

Mothra falls to the floor, screeching. Ghidorah's middle head lets out a victorious screech, as the left and the right blast Mothra with its electric beam. Mothra explodes, dispelling small orange energy that's absorbed by the gang. My ribs didn't feel broken anymore. In my head, I could hear the voices singing louder.  Hades picks me up and gets us out of the palace. Ghidorah follows after us, beams of lightning trailing after us.

"You have to shoot him!" Ruby yells. She gestured to the bow that rested in my hands. "Aim for the middle neck!"

I string the bow and aim it at Ghidorah. The bow started turning black but it didn't melt. Instead, the arrow glowed blue and it started getting colder around us. I release and the arrow flies straight into Ghidorahs neck. He lets out a wail as the arrow pierces his neck. He collapses, hitting the ground with such force that he breaks into pieces. The arrow had frozen the inside of his body.

"You did it!" Gavin cheered.

Carter stood in shock as Ghidorahs body started disappearing into nothingness. The bow turned back to its normal colors.

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