The Trident

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"It's so simple!" Rael said.

"It's hard to figure it out!" Ruby said.

"Ondrym lies in the Bermuda Triangle around the area where the USS Cyclops disappeared," I answer. "That's what the prophecy states!"

"And you're our quickest way there!" Gavin said, walking close to her. 

"Leave me alone!" Ruby said. "I'm not going to that wretched place!" 

"Guys look!" Rael said, pointing at the grass. It started dying and turning back to normal.

"When Logan killed Darsum, it must've broken Darsum's effect on the land," I guessed.

"That sacrifice will not be in vain!" Gavin said.

Rael and Ruby transform back into dragons. Gavin and I get on them and fly to the Bermuda Triangle.

Zaylbor appeared. "You fools, You shouldn't have killed Darsum!" He scolded

"We did what we had to do!" Rael yelled.

"Can you stop Ondrym?" Zaylbor asked. "Do you have the Water Trident?"

"No, we dont. Do you know where it is?" Connor asked.

Zaylbor shakes his head, "It must be in the shamans resting place."

"Shamans? We thought they just appeared when you were born," Gavin said.

"The elemental weapons were made by shamans, thousands of years ago, after they heard the prophecy about a trio of dragons who represent Earth, Water, and Fire," Zaylbor explained. "They created it after they thought we'd be invincible."

"How'd they know you guys would be invincible?" Ruby asked.

"Because we aren't the first Trio of Terror, we are their descendents," Zaylbor answered. "Our father, Kozodorth was the son of Frigroth, the elemental fire dragon. He was apart of the original Trio of Terror."

"Grandfather died to a King, not a shaman!" Rael said.

"The shaman gave King Kirklin the Fire Lance to kill Frigroth during the Dragons Wars," Zaylbor explained.
"The only reason Frigroth was being targeted was because an Oracle had made a false Prophecy about Frigroth."

"How was it false?" I asked.

"The prophecy was intended towards Frigroth's Sister, Wineva, who created the Noah's Ark situation," Zaylbor said. "This started the Dragon Wars!"

"I just don't understand," Rael asked.

"The Trio of Terror were the guardians of the earth, like gods, but we can die," Zaylbor explained.  "Now, don't call me a god because that would be false. I wasn't created to help the Earth. I was created to destroy it, but until that time comes, I will help in anyway I can."

"Then do it!" Gavin yelled. "Fight your brother, Ondrym!"

"You don't understand, you foolish brat!" Zaylbor sneered. "I'm weak to Water! Fighting Ondrym is a suicide attempt!"

"Can we just stop yelling!" I yelled. "Why would we trust you?" I turned to Zaylbor. "You may of killed Kozodorth, but that also killed my husband."

"Carter is alive," Zaylbor said. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. I didn't want to believe what he said. He's a child of Kozodorth and a member of the Trio. 

"My father is keeping him alive," Zaylbor explained. He looks into my eyes. "Let me show you."

An image pops in my head and plays like a movie. It showed Zaylbor ripping out the heart of Kozodorth and his body decomposing. It switched over to inside of Zaylbor's stomach where Kozodorths heart was resting. Every second, I could hear the beating of the heart. In the middle of it, covered in veins, was Carter. Kozodorth was using him as a life support.

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