the new girl

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I approach the main doors of the school, walking as slowly as possible. The second I open those doors, junior year begins and summer is officially over. I had an amazing summer, I was in Hawaii with my grand- parents for most of it. I'm really close with my grandparents, especially my grandma. I hadn't seen them in two years, since they live so far away, but my mom figured that it was time we pay them a visit.

But now it's over, and I have to go back to school for another year. I have to see the same annoying people. I have to take more boring classes, do piles of homework after school, and loads of tests and essays. I heard that junior year is the most important year of high school, because those are the grades that colleges look at. Unfortunately for me, my grades are pretty average and I struggle pretty often in my classes

But there is one thing I'm looking forward to in school, my best friends Amy and Ethan. I haven't seen them since the last day of school in June. I can't wait to see them everyday again.

A loud squeal snaps me out of my train of thought. I turn to see a group of like 5 girls, and they're jumping and hugging. I start to get a headache from their ongoing squealing. I sigh in annoyance and continue walking.

The front lawn is a large patch of grass, with a concrete path in the center leading up to the main doors. Trees surround the path, and benches sit in between the trees. The front lawn is where a lot of kids eat lunch, since the lunchroom is too crowded. There are people everywhere. There's a group playing frisbee to my left, and cliques sitting on the benches, talking.

I walk up the steps to the main doors of the school, and pull the door open. The inside of the school is slightly less crowded than the outside, but it's still busy. Walls of lockers line the long hallway, with doors to classrooms in between them. I approach my locker, number 52, and enter my combination. I open the door and put two binders in it, so I don't have to hold all my stuff throughout the day.

"Nicole!" I turn my head to see Amy calling my name form across the hall. Right next to her is Ethan, of course.

Amy is pretty average height, and she has beautiful red hair. She has ocean blue eyes, and some light freckles line her nose and cheeks.

Ethan is very tall and skinny. He has tanned skin, and curly brown hair. He has a killer smile, which makes all the girls swoon, especially Amy.

I swing my backpack back over my shoulder and run towards them. I wrapped my arms around them tightly. "I missed you guys so much!"

"It was so hard not seeing you everyday", Amy says with a smile. "How was Hawaii?"

"It was great. The beaches were so pretty and I went to luau's and stuff. Oh, and I learned how to Hula dance!" I grin as I remember the events of the summer.

"It was pretty boring for me. I had a job at Stacy's Ice Cream Parlor, so it was the same thing everyday". Ethan said with an exaggerated sigh.

"That sounds fun, I've always wanted to work there." It's true, I wanted to work there the summer of freshman year, but I was only 14. Stacy's hires at 16 so I couldn't work there. I was really bummed, because it was my favorite ice cream place.

"Yeah, it wasn't that great" Ethan replied with a shrug. "But Amy and I went to Six Flags, and that was cool."

"It was really fun, wasn't it?" Amy looks at Ethan with a soft smile. They stare at each other smiling and looking into each other's eyes.

I take this as my cue to tune them out. They do this a lot, they'll flirt with each other, but don't think it means anything, because they're both so oblivious. They've both told me individually that they like the other, and I could set them up I guess, but that's means that I'll be an even bigger third wheel. It sounds selfish, but I don't want to lose my only friends.

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