we meet again

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After fourth period, I make my way down the main hallway, trying to avoid the huge masses of people walking alongside me. As I walk into the lunchroom, the sound of loud chatter fills my ears. Almost every lunch table is taken already. I head further in, where we normally sit at lunch. Amy is sitting there, waving to me aggressively. I let out a small laugh as I sit down across from her.

"Nic!" She lets out a squeal, and I grab my ears in annoyance.

"Why are you screaming?" She rolls her eyes and keeps on talking.

"You need to tell me about the new girl!" She smiles wide.

"Wait! Okay, now tell us!" Ethan sits down next to me, out of nowhere. I open my mouth to ask where he came from, but closed my mouth and decided not to.

"I heard Amy squealing from all the way back there." He points to the front of the lunchroom, "And then I ran here." He smiles wide, flashing his blinding white teeth.

"Okay, so I went to talk to her, and then I fell, which you guys definitely saw", Amy nods her head at me. "And then I asked her some stuff, and we talked, and then I walked her to her first period."

"What's her name?" Ethan leans closer to me.

"Ellie." I smile, as I remember our encounter from earlier.

"Ooohhhh," Amy wiggles her eyebrows at me, which she knows I hate.

"Shut up," I say, "And don't do that, you look stupid." A frown grows on her face for a few seconds, but then it turns into a grin.

"What makes me look stupid?" She proceeds to wiggle her eyebrows at me, more aggressively than before. "This? Does this make me look stupid?"

I let out a small laugh, and take out my lunch from my backpack. I start eating my bagel with cream cheese.

"So where is she?" Amy says.

"Who?" Amy raises her eyebrows at me like it's obvious.

"Ohhh! Ellie!" I say, a little too loudly. "I have no idea, probably in here, somewhere." I look around the lunchroom to see if I could spot her, but I can't see her. I always have trouble looking for things, so she's probably here, but I'm blind.


I can't keep my eyes open. My history teacher is rambling and talking about the syllabus. All the teachers are telling us the same things in all the classes. I just want this day to end already.

The door slams open, and the whole class turns to see what happened. Ellie is in the front of the room, a blush forming on her cheeks.

"I didn't mean to slam it like that, sorry. The- the door is a lot lighter than I thought." She fidgets with her fingers.

"Take a seat, we were just going over our syllabus." Ellie nods slightly, and the teacher hands the paper to her. She glances around the room. Our eyes meet, and a smile grows on her face. She spots the open seat next to me, and makes her way over to me.

"Hey, Nicole," She says to me as she sits down. She puts her backpack on the floor next to her chair.

"Hey, where were you during lunch?," Ellie starts to take out a pencil, but looks back at me.

"Oh, uh- I got lost, so I just ate in the girl's bathroom," She rubbed the back of her neck, in embarrassment.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. If I would've known, I would've helped you out," I say, sympathetically. No one should spend their first day eating lunch in the bathroom. "Tomorrow, come sit with me and my friends."

"Thank you," she says with a kind smile. She takes out her phone, unlocks it, and then hands it to me. "Put in your number, so I can text you."

I take the phone, and put my phone number in. I try to hide my smile, but I feel my lips betraying me.


sorry this is so short, but another chapter is coming soon! thanks for reading.

~ sofia 💘

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